Monday, February 1, 2010

I think I may, I think I might, I think I'm going to be right.

Today could be all too easy, but I will shy away from that.
The Budget, Iran same old shit right? Well I have not spent a ton of time on 2012, and extreme spending on classified, "National Security" type stuff. Considering I only have 4 real people that signed up to follow my blog, I'm going to go out on a limb and risk losing all 4 in one day, here we go!

I'm always talking about preparing for bad times ahead, and the name of my blog is "The Storm", so let's talk about a physical storm, that has not taken place since 1850 something. A Massive Solar Storm is very likely for you guessed it 2012. This is confirmed by NASA!

Not sure if you know this ( I like writing stuff like this, as if "you" are actually reading this) , but every 11 years our Sun has a Solar Maximum, and a magnetic reversal of it's polarity. In layman's terms the iron core flips inside the Sun, and when this happens the Sun releases a huge shock wave of Gamma rays, that get to earth in 18 hours. 18 Hours!!!!!! No time for warning right? Unless that warning is issued from a deep underground secure Military installation, that we are not invited to!

What's my point? When the "Mainstream" media barely covered this last year Professor of Physics Michio Kaku explained how this happens, and how our electric grid, and networking/Satellite systems can not handle this type of activity, The Fox Commentator shrugged it off with a "are you saying my Blackberry will not work?" type of joke.

Here is another joke for you. What has a hole 10 times larger than first expected? No not Courtney Love, but our Magnetosphere, which protects us from shit like Solar Storms. Our Shields are down, and our time is up! Let's go even deeper on the Conspiracy train ok. On the videos link today, and from now on I'm keeping this up there until 2012 passes, or we do. I'm posting links regarding this, and other 2012 possibilities! Of particular interest to me is Conspiracy Theory show with Ex Governor, and ex Navy Seal Jessie Ventura. He investigates in a 6 part youtube video,underground bases, for Continuity of government, and elitist survival. This video might make you say "Wow", or you might just go back to American Idol, and wait for it to happen. My advice is watch the videos, and more videos like them, and pray it is all wrong, but prepare in case it's not.

We are living in uncertain times, and it is those times, that make me certain of one thing! I certainly want to be as educated on as many things as possible, in the event that these scenarios play out, so I can attempt to save my family, and friends.

We are spending cash at a record pace, and continuing to do it, without explanation where it all goes. Consider this: What if this was being done because when it is all over they need to reset, and all debts will be forgiven? The governments can rebuild, and have all the power and Gold they ever wanted, and when all is said and done it would only make sense for them to keep track of everything, and everyone to avoid social upheaval.

Pray I'm wrong, but I have a bad feeling about this!!!!!


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