Friday, February 12, 2010

No haircut for you, terrorist!

There is a link to an article at the bottom of the page, the provides my foundation for today's posting.

It's about a student, an American student who has traveled the world, learned about the middle east, and studied Arabic. Oh and he gets haircuts!

I know! Here he goes again spouting off about something that's wrong with the world.
I write it, because I still can!
Now that the NSA has partnered with Google to create a Super Cyber Spy Arena, I'm probably flagged as a watch list candidate. Pick me, pick me, I wonder what the interview would be like.
Agent :We have been reading your posts Mr Franks, and we feel that you are a potential threat.
Me:Really,You have been reading my blog, what do you think?
Agent: We find it disturbing, and think you are a potential threat.
Me: You think I'm a terrorist?
Agent:Do not get ahead of yourself Mr. Franks, we simply said you have the potential to be a threat.
Me: Is it my hair? I told the lady at Abdulahh's I wanted the Jihad special, It cost $9.11 I thought it was just a coincidence.
Agent:Have you or anyone you know been in contact with any terrorist organization, or those affiliated with a known terrorist organization?
Me: I can't speak for other people, but I am talking with you right now, does that count?
Agent:Do you think you are funny?
Me: I did up to right now.

What I find troubling about this story is the profiling of our own people.
This young man was a student in California, and was learning about the world!

Here is a direct citation from the article below: "A police official, meanwhile, was quoted as saying it was George's ID in Arabic that caught their attention - from his Jordanian studies - and police were suspicious that the student's hair was shorter that day than it was in his Pennsylvania driver's license photo. "That," Lt. Louis Liberati said, is "an indication sometimes that somebody may have gone through a radicalization." End of citation!

I must be radicalized, My hair is shorter than my license picture. I actually have been wearing my hair buzzed for 6 months now. oooooohhhhhhh I'm a terrorist! Wait I'm also a terrorist because I disagree with the way our country is going to hell in a hand basket, and I said "Our Country" so I'm a terrorist. I'm also a terrorist, because I have a blog where I speak out against the corruption and abuse of power in our government. I'm also a terrorist because I'm preparing for something bad. I'm interested in learning more about the middle east, so I must be a terrorist. I'm a Catholic, I believe in the constitution, I believe that if The United States did not push our beliefs on other countries, we would not be hated. What if: The United States were the terrorists? Our brave men and women put themselves in harms way thinking they are doing the right thing, only to find out that they were viewed as terrorists to Muslim children, and innocent men and women, all because our Government had to go to war in search of the boogie man.
The kid was smart, answering their questions so he could be released. I would not have answered those questions that way, I would have simply said: "It is moments like this, that makes people hate this country"! Too bad we could not profile our intelligence officers, and field workers just to see how it makes them feel.

I know or I think I know that these men and women are just trying to keep us safe, but sometimes, common sense goes along with the job!

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