Wednesday, February 17, 2010

They are here among us

Jamaat ul-Fuqra (Community of the Impoverished) Is listed on the Center for Defense Information's Known Terrorist List.

What's the big deal with that?

They live and train in the United States!
Think it is a big deal now?
They also train, live, and operate in Canada, and in Pakistan.

I know you are probably thinking, so what, I'm sure Al Queda and all sorts of other groups have people in America too.
You are probably right, but those other groups are not listed in America, and this make no sense to me. See the State Department Classifies Terrorists organizations on a list of Foreign Terrorist groups. Notice the word Foreign. Where is the Domestic Terrorist list????? After all shouldn't we be concerned with our own country?

Based on info in the 4 articles below, here is some info on this group, mixed with my own thoughts.
As of 2006 their numbers in The United States were 3,000, with 35 training camps here as well. Just to make it simple: 50 States 3,000 Terrorists = 60 terrorists per state. Depending on what type of attack was to take place, you could pretty much mess up a whole bunch of stuff simultaneously. Let's see how many letters in the alphabet we can cover by category!
Food supply/water supply
Judicial system
Power plants/hydro/nuclear
Transportation/trains/public transportation
That's 18 letters out of 26, but of those 18 maybe 2 are safe, or better protected.

Here is my problem: When the Annual Threat assessment was made to lawmakers a few weeks ago, they warned of a Certainty of attempted domestic and foreign attacks by July 2010. These people in Jamaat ul-Fuqra are here already, and we are not doing anything about it! Why is that?

I bet you never heard of them before today! I never heard of Al Queda until Sept 11 2001. Let's not let history repeat itself. This morning I was thinking about the next terror attack, and where it could originate, based on the Increased Terror Chatter I mentioned hearing a snippet about yesterday! Like I have said before, I am wired slightly different than you are, it's just my nature. I have always looked for the closest exit wherever I am, and I have always been on an elevated state of alert.
It does not mean I am more prepared for something to happen, it just means I will know where the exit is, just in case I need it.

If this group is real, and is here we need to shut them down. I'd hate to be the one saying I told you so to the government!

If these people are here in America, and if they are armed as suggested by everything I have read today. If they really believe that Purification of Islam can only be achieved by Violence, why have they been silent up to this point?
There are laws in this country I will never understand! Like the one where a grandmother in Ohio (I think) was arrested and embarrassed because she purchased too much cold medication for her daughter and husband. Meth addicts can make drugs out of it, and she went over the limit of what you can buy.
However the authorities know of where these "Training Compounds" are, and cannot infiltrate them, based on certain laws in place. We cannot invade a known terrorist group here in America, yet overseas it's a free for all.

Instead of worrying about Left vs Right or Democrat vs Republican, lets worry about Domestic threats over Foreign.
What do you think?

Lots o links I know, but they are important.

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