Friday, February 26, 2010

The alarm clock is working people are waking up

According to a poll by CNN 56% of Americans feel the size of the growing government poses a threat to our rights.

56%? That's not too bad, and I'm sure it is growing by the day!

I'm glad to see #'s like that in a poll from CNN, or Fox because even though I think the # is higher than that, it is still greater than 50%, and it is still coming from the corporate owned media.
So after the photo op yesterday, and the "I'm the President, and you are not nananana na na" moment between Obama and McCain, nothing was accomplished. President Obama is showing his true colors. (no racial slant what so ever) as he pretty much said it's my way, or it's my way!

They are going to push this through no matter what, and they do not care about you, me or the Liberty Tree.

The Government is cranking full speed ahead, and it looks like there is no stopping them. Climate change has turned out to be a scam, yet they are pushing to pass a bill to charge you on Carbon output. Websites are being shutdown without notice, or warrant, because of content. Today Ben Ber"skanky" announced the economy could be in real trouble "shortly". The Patriot act , that Obama was against while campaigning, has been renewed by his admin. I can go on and on, but you get my point.

Someone close to me made a comment the other day, that I have not heard from too many civilians since June/July 2009. This person said,"Well look at what Obama inherited". I said nothing, because I care for this person, but if you are reading my blog, you know who you are, and it's that mentality, that makes this situation worse everyday. The blame game happens between my two kids, not between two "adults".

Be a man, have some testes, and stop being so testy and do your job! We want answers, not excuses. We want jobs, not "Universal" healthcare. We want security, not invasion of privacy, and we want a President, not a dictator.

I did not vote for Obama, and I'm sooooooo glad I didn't! I voted for McCain, and I'm soooooo glad he did not win either.

This is the sad part of where our country stands now, when people vote for the loser on purpose, so they can say I did not vote for that guy.
Obama said he wanted Change, and he wanted to fundamentally transform The United States, well 13 full months into his presidency, he has transformed us. 56% of people feel the size of the Government is a problem. Imagine what that # will be a year from now.

Say no to Washington, while you still can!


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