Friday, February 5, 2010

Cybersecurity Insecurity

So Hillary talks about Internet Freedom a week or two back, and she speaks of cyber threats etc... Now this week the NSA partners with Google to help them in their ever expanding "War on Terror". What will next week bring?

With Google and the NSA together, that now gives the NSA a foot in the door to control certain aspects of your Internet life! Now you look for a controversial topic, and you could be paid a visit, by the Men in Black, not the alien guys, but the ones that will not read you your rights.

When the NSA says they will not abuse their power and collect your personal info, they are lying!
These are the folks that steal info for a living, and when they do steal it and get caught they will say it was in the best interest of what? You guessed it "National Security". They have a perfect circle of corruption in place right now, what could make it even better is a terror attack, or the resurgence of H1N1. Have not heard about that one lately have you? H1N1 we must all get vaccines, or it could be bad, real bad. There is the old fear card again, the NSA are the smartest guys on the planet with technology, they control our Military's cyber security, and that is what I'm worried about. See if these guys control the computers etc... that control the nukes, and they keep those safe, what do we have to worry about with google?

This merger has stink all over it, here is a not world famous Normstradamus moment....
Consider for a minute that you wanted a media blackout on something, or you wanted to spread disinformation around about things, you would now have access to all sorts of information, and individual search histories of millions of people. There is a major major catastrophe coming shortly, and when it happens you will not hear about it, until it is too late!

I'm a conspiracy theorist now, there it is I admit it! I'm not a bad one, I do not believe everything out there, but this is real, and it's happening fast!

If the definition of a domestic terrorist has been expanded to include veterans, tea party groups, and independent thinkers who do not agree with the Government, what makes you think that they are not watching you already?

This is classic conditioning of a society! If people get used to the idea that we live in dangerous times, and the fear card is played right, people will lose a part of themselves in order to feel safe. I said 2 weeks ago 3-6 months, the other day I said 3 months tops..... It might be sooner than you think!

Cannot wait to see what next week brings, especially the 11th when Iran promised the world Something huge.......

See ya

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