Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The calm before the inflationary storm?

Todays posting is a little more like the normal Norman rant......I cannot help but notice all of the "Deliberates", not "Mistakes" our government keeps making with the economy.

Give mortgages to people that cannot afford them, or will not pay them back, and what do you get? Housing Bubble, Foreclosure nightmare, and economic crisis 2008.

Spend more money than you have as a country, and what do you get? Greece, Spain, Iceland, and the downgrade of the USA's Credit rating.

If these things are not enough to make you stop and say we are on the wrong path, then let's take it a bit further.....

Let's inject the Government into the mortgage markets, and here is a brilliant idea: Let's take peoples mortgages that they are underwater on, and allow them to refinance to get them paying what their home is really worth. Does that not sound great? What happens to all of that money that gets shaved off, or, why stop with just underwater buyers? What about me? I sold my house that I knew I was not going to be able to afford if I lost my job, back in 2006. I was responsible, and bought something I could afford. I did not qualify for a 1st time buyers credit, because I was a second time buyer. I did not get all of the government kickbacks for remodeling my house and making it energy efficient, because that program was not in full swing until after I bought my second home.

It seems I am always a day late and a dollar short on qualifying for hand outs, yet Myself, and millions more like me, are ahead of the curve with being responsible.
How is that fair? How is it fair, that without my permission, the government, can simply hand out money that they do not have, and expect me to pay for it? That's almost like me going to the supermarket, and filling up my cart, standing in line, and saying to the cashier "The guy behind me is picking up the tab"!

Speaking of supermarket, The inflationary storm is starting, and the super market will soon be the Super Markup!

Stock up.

Monday, October 24, 2011

All is not lost

This Saturday October 29th is the 1 year anniversary of the last time I saw and spoke to my brother John before his unfortunate suicide on November 4th, 2010.
Why is this date more significant to me than the anniversary of his death? It's more significant because, to me it was the last day He was still here mentally. He checked out of this world somewhere between Friday October 29th 2010, and the time he went missing Tuesday November 2nd, 2010. What still plauges my mind is what could have happened, been said or done to him, or what did he know about his future, that would have caused him to choose death over life? The last time I saw him, he was preparing for a test on docking and air brakes. He was in a tractor trailer driving training program, and he had just obtained his DOT Permit. He was excited about the permit, but he was nervous about the coming test, saying what if I fail? I remember saying what if you pass? I told him not to worry about failing, because then you will make yourself fail, instead just pass! He was worried what people would think of him driving a truck, instead of being in construction, and I simply said, who pays your bills? Certainly not the people you worry will judge you on trying to support your family. I told him that I was proud of him for trying something new, and I loved him. I sent him a good luck text on Monday morning the day of his test. I do not know if he ever took it, but I know he would have passed if he did.
As the one year anniversary approaches, I look back, on a year that went by too fast. I have struggled in many areas of my day to day life. I now need to take an anxiety pill in order to make it through a day at work. I worry that I have had too many fun times throughout the course of the year, I worry that I have not supported his family in the way he would have wanted. I find I use the word Careful too fruequently with my kids, and I am always waiting for something bad to happen. I think of him everyday, I miss him everyday, and he has only been in one dream of mine in a year. When you have spoken to someone almost everyday for most of your life, and you do not speak to them anymore there is an emptiness there.
There is a void that can never be filled in all of us. There are questions that can never be answered, and there's a loss that can never be overcome. Whoever coined the phrase "What doesn'nt kill us makes us stronger" clearly did not lose a sibling to suicide, because even though I'm not dead, I am clearly a lot weaker in many areas, than I was a year ago.
I'm not sure if I will ever be close to the way I was before he died, I am trying so hard it hurts, but I am trying. God Bless you my friend.....I miss you, and love you!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Something new and refreshing

There are many things that feel good in life, and without taking that comment in an inappropriate direction I will refrain, and stay on the path! When you choose to make a change for the better in your life, it feels great. Sometimes we all get caught up in the routine, and become victims of the situations we could control if we only made a choice. Whether you are in a bad relationship, a bad job, or a bad financial situation, you have the power to choose the direction you go, and sometimes you just need to believe in yourself. Too often people choose the routine over the options, because of fear. Fear of "what if", instead of saying "Why not".
Choose for you, choose for your family and your happiness, and empower yourself to take control of who you are and what you can become.
This take control attitude applies to what we will accept from our elected leaders, and the not elected (under the radar not accountable to anyone) federal reserve.
Right now our country is in dire straights, and those of you who choose to believe we are fine are the people that either do not see it yet, or have made a choice of believing what the mainstream media is telling you.
I am asking you to take a minute, and think about how many people you know that are currently unemployed, currently in a financial mess, or currently living paycheck to paycheck. If you do not know anyone like this then you are currently ok. If you know a person or 2 like what I described, then it makes you think. If you are one of those people I described, then it might be time to choose. We are in a position of power in this country, yet we feel powerless, because our mentality is I can't do anything about this. Wrong! It is "We the People" remember? If you are looking at the markets, and see what I have been describing about the roller coaster ride we are on, we are being robbed. Right now Bank of America is under attack, and they will not admit it! In one keystroke, your financial world will come crashing down, and there is "Nothing" you can do about that, unless you pull your money out of the banks! Pay your bills, but limit your exposure to financial Armageddon. It is coming I promise you ....Gut feeling hardcore on this, and our media has been warning us all along, that we are vulnerable to attacks.
Choose.......To be awake!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Do more with less

So it is Tuesday morning, and my posting from the other day said watch the markets. Did you watch them yesterday? They went way down, and what was the reason for this drop? Fear! I'm not a stock market guru, but I do observe things, and one of the things I have observed is a slowdown in many areas. Prices are going up on certain goods, while consumption of those goods goes down. The less you sell, the more you either raise your prices or reduce your expenses to offset the loss of revenue.
Companies are hoarding cash like never before, and the employees are being asked to do more with less. I am one of those employees! How much can one person do, and how much should they be compensated for the increased productivity? Is there consideration for the increase in errors that will occur now that 1 person is doing the job of 2 people?
Yesterday I asked why would our government finance protests against our economic system, and my answer is this: A financial Mega Power Grab like we have never seen before.
Get two groups or even more fighting with each other, about hot button issues, and when they are fighting over this and that, you consolidate power while nobody is looking. The end game here is a single currency, a single government, and a single centralized power center to rule our financial world.
How did I go from Do more with less to banks and power grabs? It's because they are all related. Banks are laying off employees, and then proposing new fees for account holders etc... Since banks do not produce tangible goods, they can just make stuff up, and keep going. Kind of like our Federal Reserve. They just print money, and throw it out there to pay for stuff, and devalue our currency. The banks do less with more, while we are all stuck doing more for less, and spending more for less.
Keep your eyes on the markets, because the "Fall of 2011" has begun, and I'm not talking about the season!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Yes I'm back!

It has been a while since my last post, but I feel that today was the day I needed to break my silence on some things happening right now. A couple of weeks ago I watched a friend of mine become the most recent addition to the unemployment numbers. It is always a sad day when someones life goes through that change, but what if this is going to start a cycle?
We never really came out of the last recession, the main stream media just led you to believe we were recovering.
So where are we now?
It is October 2nd 2011, and as of right now here is where we stand.
- the official (doctored) unemployment #'s are 9.2 %.
-Unofficial #'s are more like 15%, and if you consider people that are off the grid, or took jobs way below their standard income well then it's 22.5%
- Consumer spending is down.
- Markets are on a roller coaster ride like never before.
- The layoff season is kicking into high gear.
- Gas prices, and home heating oil, prices are just chilling at the new not so comfortable comfort zone.
- The company I work for is gearing up for a gear down.
I know by posting this, that I potentially am putting myself in the position of becoming another percentage point on the unemployment numbers, but I'll take the risk after all how many people will read it anyway?

Why is 11,000 such an important # for the stock market? In the last month I have watched the markets go up and down in wild swings. Is this happening as a clearing of the real money in the market? I have a feeling that there is a controlled demolition happening right now in the markets, and if I am right, than my prediction back in the beginning of the year is coming true.

When the markets drop, the MSM tells you it is because of fear of the possibility of Greece defaulting. When the markets go up it's because of better than expected earnings. Then the markets drop based on fears of a double dip recession? Fear, Hope, Fear. It's a pattern, but is it real? I do not react to fear, or hope. I do not sell my house because I fear losing it in a recession, I do not abandon my children and wife, because I fear some tragedy could strike and I would lose them. I do not hope to live better than my parents did, after all (Hope is not a method to achieve things AF:-). There are protests on Wall street, and these protests are spreading. Are these protests for real? The only way to know if they are real is to see if they keep going long term. If these continue for more than a few weeks, then they are financed by our own government, because people need to work, and keep their jobs, take care of their families etc...Why would our government want to protest against Wall Street? Tune in tomorrow!