Sunday, February 14, 2010

You've lost that loving feeling!

Sorry it is Cliche on this Valentines day, but there needed to be a theme of love... right? It seems although today is the day for love, there is no love coming from the White House!
When your radical agenda gets stalled, because you no longer have the Filibuster proof Super Majority, and now your own political party is questioning some of your plans, what do you do?

For most logical people you may take a step back, and question "Is this right for our country, or should I listen to those who provide my funding, and draw up a new plan?"

If Barrack Obama was a rational person he may actually care about what the people want, but I do not blame him fully. See he is planning to use his executive power to move forward with "the" plan for America. I said the plan because it is not my plan, or your plan, or even the majority of taxpaying, law abiding citizens plan.

This is the plan of a sinister group, called the NWO! You have heard the term NWO before, so I will not bore you, but they are real, and they have been calling the shots, and it has never been more evident than now!
I might go to jail after I post this, but I'm not worried, because it is what I feel is the truth, and the truth shall set you free, or in my case keep me free I hope.

Barrack Obama was a hand picked politician, not picked by you and me, but picked by the NWO. When Hillary was the front runner, and all of a sudden this man storms onto the scene with no experience, a great education, and the financial support of many, it made me wonder: "Where did this guy come from?" The NWO has wanted and needed a person like Barrack Obama to move their agenda forward. Barrack Obama is a puppet, and the strings are invisible. If he was to try and do his own thing, and listen to the American people, we would see JFK part 2. Ever notice how quick a president visibly ages? The hair is grey within two years, I'm sure I would age quick if I heard the things they hear on a daily basis. Barrack Obama does not want to push these agenda items through, he has to, and if something were to happen to him, our country would be finished! There would be war in our streets, it would be a race war of unimaginable proportions, and I do not want to see that! So what do we do, to help him out? He clearly had no clue what he was getting into, so how do we get him out? The NWO needs to be destroyed! How do you stop an enemy you cannot find? Mass Revolution. If millions of people who feel similar to how I feel were to publicly, and peacefully protest in every city calling out our elected officials, what do you think would happen? I can tell you what I think would happen: Panic would set in, on Capitol Hill! Martial law would be ordered, and those peaceful protests would become violent due to the fear in Washington. I'm not calling for violence, or bloodshed I'm simply calling for the end of Big Government! Join the peaceful fight!
Read the article at the following link.

Watch out, and peace out!

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