Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What is real, how do you define real

Not to steal lines from movies like "The Matrix", but when I look around and find less and less actual news on regular TV I find myself thinking that all of the news is "Spun". So to quote Morpheus "What is real, how do you define real?"

Maybe I'm easily swayed, or maybe the veil has been lifted, and my evolution of blogging has naturally led me to this point. When I started my truth seeking, and began to follow my gut (no matter how nauseous it made at times) I have started to see things differently. First I watched Cnn and Fox, and was in a state of "Shock and Awe". Then more specifically I watched Beck, Hannity, Dobbs, and Blitzer, and was floored. Now I find, that even the people that sucked me in as a short term loyal follower have lost their appeal, and I find myself drifting down Conspiracy lane! As I wander into unfamiliar territory, and search other "alternative" news outlets, I wonder: Where will I end up?
Will I be standing on a street corner with a sign "The End is Near" ? No, I can do that right here on the Internet. Will I become paranoid, and not fun to be around? No, because that is not how I am. Will I become a criminal, stop obeying the law and put my life, and the lives of my family at risk? No I will continue to obey the laws, and teach my children to obey them as well. Will I continue to be suspicious of everything in the media? Absolutely, because I have a brain, and I'm getting better at using it daily. I will not go into hiding, because I fear no one. I'm not saying I'm the strongest man alive, or the best fighter in the universe, I'm saying that fear is useless against an enemy that cannot be seen. This morning I heard something on the news about increased terror chatter.... the story never aired. About a year ago Glenn Beck was going to do a show on Fema camps, he claimed he tried to debunk, and could not. Later that day he came on and said I cannot talk about these, because my story is not complete. When those in power....whoever they may be hear something that they do not want discussed, do they simply pull the plug on that story? Is there a special "Batphone" that rings, and Mystery man is on the other end saying, do not do that story? That's my feeling, and it is from my gut!
My Sunday posting was about Barrack Obama being a puppet of the NWO, and his need to conform to the wishes of the NWO or face problems. Today I went on Alex Jones "Info Wars" and watched a piece about this exact topic! I'm not the only one who is a nutjob. After watching this piece about Glenn Beck being a part of the whole left vs right sideshow, I wondered Who can you trust anymore?

It bothers me, the dreams I have now, and for the last 8 years! I had dreams about 9/11, and woke up crying, feeling bad for everyone and their families. As time went on those dreams died off. Guess what? The dreams are back, and they are back with a vengeance, but they are different now. They are different because it is present day America, and the planes are just dropping out of the sky, onto freeways, or buildings, or even a televised sporting event. There is a boat at the beach during peak vacation time, and the boat explodes into a nuclear fireball incinerating everyone there. The worst one yet is the men in black swat style uniforms chasing me down, guns drawn, because I was onto something.

We are in a strange place in the world right now, and as more people feel this way, and start following their gut, more people will find that whoever your God is, he is talking to you, and telling you to wake up and watch out, because something wicked this way comes. No I have not heard voices, and No I'm sure that my dreams, are just dreams and not visions. I'm writing this out today so when and if anyone reads this, they will not think I'm delusional. I'm right here in the real world, but I have just decided to let go of the fears I previously held. I used to worry that by sharing these thoughts people would think I was a freak! They may think that now, but I no longer care. I will never, say something to deliberately hurt anyone persons feelings, but I will get my say.

As we move forward into an unknown future, there are a couple things I do know. I love my family, and friends. I love this country, and the opportunities it has given me, and I love life. Protect your life, and your freedoms, and allow yourself to see the other point of view. You may actually like it :)


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