Thursday, January 28, 2010

War in Iran? It's coming sooooooooon

I did not want to talk about the State of the Union address, but there were a few things that bugged me. Other than Nancy Pelosi blinking an estimated 6,570 times, and the Joe Biden Bobble head doll that kept nodding every couple minutes, there were real issues I want to address. 1. Our combat troop withdrawal from Iraq by August. 2. Tougher sanctions on Iran. Let's do the math: 1+2=3 War #3. We might be pulling our combat troops out of Iraq, but we will have plenty of support personnel there. We boosted troop levels by 30,000 in Afghanistan, so If things get crazy in Iran we can move people around. I see it happening. Last night the President spoke of tougher sanctions on Iran. This country has blatantly ignored international pressure and law in many ways, and kills their own citizens because they disagree with the government. I do not think that they give a rats ass about sanctions, and isolation! President Obama also spoke of the need for freedom everywhere in the world. I know we are a global leader in things, but who are we to impose our belief systems on other countries? What countries helped us when we broke away from England? We need to let people revolt for their own causes, spill their own blood and get freedom by fighting for it. I am blessed that I was born in a free country, but if I was not I would seek freedom, and do what I could to achieve it. Last nights speech was unbalanced, and jumped around like a hyperactive kid in a sugar shop! On one hand the President is criticizing the lack of bipartisanship in the senate, yet he continues to bring up past republican failures, and hold meetings behind closed doors. The Republicans cannot be a part of a meeting, that they are not invited to. Remember I am an independent, so I'm not for or against either party! The President spoke of not explaining health care well enough to the American people, and that's why we do not want it. No the reason we do not want it, is because it is not transparent, and there are too many issues, and it was not done jointly etc...

He criticized the supreme courts decision to remove a cap on Corporate campaign donations, and I do not disagree with him, however, I do not feel it was the right moment or setting to do that! It was a lashing of Republicans, and a light talking to for Democrats, and the final outcome for me , I'm more worried now than ever!

See President Obama has no problem ignoring that he is a part of Washington, and when you use words like Veto, and executive order, to push your agenda items, you become nobodies friend!

Get ready for more!!! More War!!! Trust me.


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