Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm on Fire!!!!!

Not to steal lyrics from my favorite band "Van Halen", but the last two weeks I have been Normstradamus, with predictions, and I have been spot on.... So I'm on fire....

I mentioned a Cyber war on terror, and it is in the news, I mentioned The Internet being censored and taken over by the Government and yesterday Hillary was talking about that. I'm waiting for the GPS thing to somehow take shape. I spoke about Wall streets gains being fake, and now the market has lost 600+ points in 3 days. I 'm sorry, but I have been right so far. I have mentioned to stock up and prepare for something, and I hope you will just buy a little more than normal, because I do not want to say I told you so, when it happens. I have 6 followers of this blog(4 if you do not count me or my wife), and I would like for that number to grow. I do not want 1,000,000 followers, for my ego, I would like a million followers, so more people are tuned in to the possibilities of what could be.

My whole life I have had Dejavu, and premonitions of things. Here's where people say ok Norm is crazy, and finally off the edge, but it is true. Nothing I can predict will bring me wealth or material goods, but I am able to predict things, and sometimes it is scary! Do not believe me? Ask my wife, ask my brother. I do it all the time. The weird thing about it is this: I cannot do anything about it. I watch the news in the morning while having coffee, and then it happens, "BAM" you know the feeling, you look around all puzzled and think I've been here before. Something is driving me to write a blog, something is driving me to go way out on a limb, and talk crazy, and say the things I'm saying on here. I am a rational person with rational thoughts, but something inside of me is telling me, that it is coming sooner than you think. The Meltdown of 2010. We have 3-6 months, before it really becomes visible.
If you read and watch multiple news outlets, you will find stories that you only hear about once, while the search for Tiger Woods takes priority over the story from yesterday, people losing jobs over religion.

I want you to do yourself a favor, not do me a favor, but do it for yourself, and your friends, and families. Research Gerald Celente. Go on you tube, and Gerald Celente predictions 2010. You will be blown away with what this man has to say.

Who is Gerald Celente? He is the founder of a company called the Trends Research Institute. He looks at global events and predicts future trends, with amazing accuracy. He has predicted the stock market collapses of the past, and many many other things on a global scale. On my Video bar are some videos about this man, and I would ask you to take some time and watch them. They will make you think, and they might even make you a little bit scared.

I'm not a freak, I'm not a Bible Thumper, and I'm not a doomsdayer! I am a guy that has suddenly seen things differently than I ever did before. And if like in "The Matrix" if I could go back....Would I?

See you tomorrow

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