Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Was all warm and fuzzy

I woke up this morning with a new scent of promise in the air, after all it was only last night when our radical rigime was dealt a huge blow, by Scott Brown. In a month, this man took his campaign to a whole different level, and he brought many people with him.

Now You know by reading my past posts, I'm not a trusting soul when it comes to politicians, so we will wait and see if this man stays true to his promises.
So I'm warm and fuzzy, and all of a sudden I see a story about a British Airlines employee who was suspended from work for wearing a crucifix to work. A crucifix, not a sign saying the "end is near".

She was not asking "Would you like to check a bag, and save your soul"? No nothing like that, just a devout christian wearing a symbol of her faith around her neck! This incident happened in England, still does not make it right, but it was not here.
Read this story here,2933,583353,00.html

Well what if it did happen here: Let's say someone who worked for Home Depot brought his bible to work, and had a American flag pin on his uniform with the words "One Nation Under God". During his breaks he would read the bible, not out loud, but to himself, and he was asked not to wear the American flag pin because it was not a company sponsored pin. By the way one of his managers asked to wear the pin.his brother is now in Iraq. Does this sound possible? read it for yourself.
See we are living in a world that's changing rapidly, and in our schools, our government buildings, and in the media God is being removed. Why is it wrong to believe in God? I thought we lived in a diverse population, where traditions, and beliefs of these diverse populations need to be respected. Then how come our own values and beliefs are being kicked to the curb?

I cannot wait for the day that I am told I cannot talk about politics, or religion, or anything I believe in. I cannot wait for the day when the Government tells me I cannot have my heat higher than 65 degrees, or taxes me for the miles I drive.
The day my child comes home from school, and recites the Pledge of Allegiance without God in there, I will be at the school the next morning, with many other people to complain.

Do not let this happen to our country, do not let them kill God. If I have to be in acceptance of everybody else, and not offend them, then do not offend me!

See ya

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