Saturday, January 16, 2010

Does not matter who you vote for, we are screwed!

I was going to write about Cass Sunstein today, but I feel with the Senate Election in Massachusetts on Tuesday, I wanted to cover this first.

Cass can wait!

No where in our constitution, and Bill of Rights does it say we need to mandate health care to our citizens, so that we are forced to buy something just because the government said so. Those who do not have the resources will still be a burden to those of us who can afford it, and we will still be paying for them. With all of the combined (both party)spending in the last 3 years we are approaching a tipping point where you will soon be seeing less take home pay and more going to taxes. Health care reform will be deficit neutral! If you believe that, then call me, because I know the meaning of life. Nowhere in our constitution, and bill of rights does it say we need to bailout mortgage companies, banks, and bad business practices. It does not say that you can spy on your neighbors, or put your address into a global data base, without your consent. The laws of eminent domain, where government is snatching up privately owned land from taxpayers because "They can", is an outrageous abuse of power.

Now we are possibly going to be taxed on using the computer, and paying bills, If you pay your taxes online, will they tax that too? Carbon Credits? Is this a sci fi movie? Global Warming, well not today, today in Florida, they are changing the motto to the land of frozen iguana's and orange slushies.

Some of you may be reading this and thinking, Norm is Angry, no I'm not! I am simply trying to make as many people see the other side of things as possible.

I said in my first posting, that I am not anti-government, I am not anti Bush/Anti Obama, what I am is anti deception. We have become accepting of lies in this society from our politicians, and I cannot watch anything anymore without thinking "Lies, Lies, and more Lies".

Running for office, is something people consider all of the time, and they all say it's time for change. Yet once in the position of power "they change" they morph into the rest of their colleagues. Not everybody is corrupt, but if you associate with the corrupt, you are viewed as one of them. I'm not voting for Coakley, because of her arrogance, and of her clear lack of understanding of the issues facing us. Her shameful, and poorly run campaign is what's wrong with politics. She felt she had it in the bag, and when Scott Brown caught up, she went into attack mode, and started negative campaigning. Political ads are no longer about what good the person running has achieved, its about what the opponent has done wrong. It's schoolyard politics. "Mrs Coakley did this, and Mr Brown did that. If our politicians are going to act like children, then who is the Parent figure in all of this? It's a lose lose situation.
I said it before, and this is what I feel. There is no two party system anymore, it's an illusion. Who ever gets into the Senate in this election is going to be a part of history. Which side will they be on? The only reason That President Obama, and Bill Clinton, are behind Coakley, is so there are no more obstacles for Health care reform to pass. That's it.... simple!!!

I'm voting for Scott Brown, not because I think he is a great guy, and he will change Washington. I'm voting for him to try and stop Health care reform. That's it!

Some people will say, Norm it is your civic duty to vote based on the best qualified candidate. Well from what I know about Coakley, and her judgement, and what little I know about Scott Brown I pick Brown. One of Coakley's recent ads talks about stopping Brown, so the failed agenda of Bush is not revived. A year after Bush has left office they are bringing him up? Both parties are responsible for the mess we are in, and mark my words: if Brown gets elected, we are only derailing Health care for a short time. There will be things the republicans do coming up that are just as radical as the Democrats. Take a look at the following link and tell me if you think we can afford to spend anything more.

Pay close attention to the following areas:
Bailouts 2008-2010 $7.75 Trillion
Liability per citizen not taxpayer $346K

Crazy scary stuff.

See you tomorrow

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