Sunday, January 24, 2010

Could it be

I'm calling him out! Bring it on Bin Laden..... Bring it on! Any spineless loser can claim responsibility for something they physically did not have the sack to do. It's like that kid from high school, the one that seemed to be the leader of the bad boys, but you never saw him actually hit anyone, it was his buddies, that did his dirty work for him. Osama Bin Laden I'm calling you out! You must be resourceful, or well connected, to have gone unnoticed with a large financial bounty on your 6'6" ass for 8 years. You could probably hire some great FX person to disguise you, and if so get your Big Pussy ass on a plane and do the job yourself! I think that if you lifted Osamas robe you would see nothing that resembles male anatomy, or ..... what if..... Osama is just a myth?

I have my theories regarding September 11th 2001, and I do not think Bin Laden had anything to do with it. He is the fall guy, the boogie man that allows the United States Government to spend money in these "Wars on Terror". I'm not sure if there is a way, or if we would be called UnAmerican if we asked to see the books from the DOD, for the last 10 years, and audit them! See we can be audited, because the gigantic Government of our country can choose to do this, for whatever reason they see fit, but we cannot, ask to audit them! Does not seem fair, does it?

I support our brave men and women that without reservation serve and protect us every day. I support our troops. I was once in the military, and was a US Navy search and rescue swimmer. Saving people from drowning in the open ocean, and assisting our coast guard when we did drug operations, and boarded suspect cargo ships which had drugs on board.
I'm not looking for a thank you, I'm just setting the stage for what comes next.

Something way bigger is in the works here, and lots of money is unaccounted for. Every once in a while you will hear rumblings about $260 million is missing, or 20 billion is unaccounted for from the DOD, and then the story goes away. I'm sure it is not our military, that's making the $ disappear, I'm positive it is Washington!

I am not sure what it all adds up to, but I have a horrible feeling that 9/11, was an inside job! Today's video link has some 9/11 videos, about it being an inside job! Take a look at them, make your own conclusion. Do not rush to judgement, on the videos, or even me ofor posting this, just take a minute, and think.... What if?
What if our friends, and relatives in the military are dying for $ or something else?
What if one day you woke up and everything you thought you knew about the world changed?
What if our own Government is living a lie, and when we get closer to the truth, the more outrageous the story becomes?
What if the Conspiracy Theorists, are not "crazy" after all?
What if the New World Order was a real group of people, with a real agenda, and we are financing it's creation, with all of the missing money?
What if the internet and free speech get regulated and redefined?
What if you could no longer ask.... What if?

See you tomorrow

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