Thursday, February 17, 2011

This is it!

With numerous countries around the world questioning their governments ability to exist, and the list growing by the day the Dow Jones has not mirrored Main Street at all.

With incredible debt, and the preposterous suggestions that high speed trains are the answer to our governments free for all spending spree, only for them to spend more non existent money building them has some governors saying absolutely not! When do the states win in a battle with the Federal government? If I decided to spend money I did not have, and purposely ignored the fact that I could not repay it, things would be repossessed, and if severe enough I could go to jail!

When the Federal Government does this it is deemed necessary, or the Government will have to close down.
Let them close down, the only way for them to stop spending money, that "We" the taxpayers have to feel the burden of paying back is for them to not be working.

This is short and sweet today, but the message is clear. It is time to get out.....get out of paper currencies, buy food, water, guns, blankets, masks, plastic, duct tape, camping gear etc...stimulate the economy to prepare for the unexpected, which I now expect. If you think Wisconsin is as far as the protests will go, then do nothing...If you think riots can only happen over seas, do nothing....If you have a gut feeling that something is brewing that will soon come to a something, and do it fast!

Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask yourself what can I do to not be dependent of my country!

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