Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm offended that you're offended!

Jaun Williams was fired by NPR over comments he made on the Bill O'Reilly show the other day. When I saw the headline I thought, "Wow, those must have been some really controversial comments"! So I read the story on Fox News, and then I re-read the story, to find out where the comments were that could get someone fired, and I did not see anything that jumped out at me as truly offensive. Then it hit me.....Jaun worked for NPR National Public Radio, and it all made sense.

If Jaun Williams can't have a personal opinion while not on company time, then who can?
A couple of weeks ago CNN fired Rick Sanchez for making comments, that I did not really find offensive.
Earlier in the year Lou Dobbs was kindly asked to leave CNN, because he dared to go where nobody else in the media would go, towards the truth.

I wonder if a devout Muslim reporter could ever get fired for saying something controversial. My guess is no they would not.

See NPR or National propaganda radio as I like to say, is funded not by you the listeners, it's funded by you the tax payer and we can't have anyone associated with common sense working there. I cannot stand the way our society is being stripped of opinion, our right to privacy, and our freedom of speech.

Are you ready for the controversial comments? He gets nervous when he is flying, and sees someone dressed in full Muslim Garb. He also said the Muslim extremists are the biggest threat to our country. Finally he said that Faisal Shahzad the would be Times Square bombers comment "The Muslim war is coming to America" is what brought on his fear of Muslims on a plane. Are you offended yet?

See for 10 years now all we have heard is the "War on Terror, National Security, Bin Laden, Muslim Extremists..." Isn't Jaun doing what we were all told do do? Is he not being vigilant, and aware of his surroundings? Are we being molded into a way of life where you can think it, but you better not say it? It's a shame that the man in charge of the Ground Zero mosque can go on TV and say that America brought on 9/11, but a guy who works in media, cannot express his fear of a situation we were warned to watch out for. Add Muslims to the protected class in America the list is full. The only people not on the list is us the Open minded individuals with an opinion!

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