Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you afford an extra 20-30k a year?

The Bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has met a whopping 5 times to discuss the financial future of every person in this country! One of the main focuses of this committee is how to handle the National Debt which currently stands at $13.6 trillion. The report of their recommendations is due in December, and the next steps are the House, Senate, and Presidents desk.

My question to you is this: How much more can you afford to give away to the Federal Government?

One topic being heavily considered is eliminating or reducing the tax breaks on your tax return for your dependents, and your mortgage interest. Using my own example, 2 kids @ $3,500 each, and about $15,000 a year in interest equates to $22,500 in new taxes!

So let me think for a minute. Who do I not feed, or, clothe,have Christmas/birthday presents for? Probably would start with me and my wife, but would that be enough? Next the price of heating oil, and natural gas are going up, so now there is less to spend on that! Food prices are slowly creeping up, and don't forget the ongoing threat of terror.

I can no longer afford to mince words, so I won't! We are screwed! We are Broke! And the United States of America is finished!

Lou Dobbs was just on Fox News discussing this issue, and guess what? I believe him, the reason I believe him is simple. The main stream media usually in a casual manner fires things out into TV land to say they covered it.

While you are sitting around the table tonight, enjoying a hot meal, while getting ready for Dancing with the stars or biggest loser. Take a minute, and look at your family and try to decide who lives and who dies. You will have to make that choice, because the government does not care, they simply want your money.... All of it.

Next in line is the pensions of the State/Town/ workers. Teachers pensions are on the table as well. When you spend yourself into oblivion, you cannot spend your way out!

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