Monday, July 26, 2010

Will the Wilkileaks Afghan leak bring on internet censorship?

So I wonder if the Wilkileaks Afghan document leak will bring on the censorship of the internet that I have been sensing for some time.

First it is bloggers, then websites, and now with "National Security" at stake could this moment in time, provide the boost needed to use "Sweeping Reform" of free speech, and censorship of the internet?

I think it could very well be the end of the internet as we know it, and I think it is coming soon.
Cass Sunstein has repeatedly written, and commented about censoring the internet, and redefining free speech and he is the White House information Czar. Be afraid, be very afraid!

I wonder what those estimated 95,000 digital docs have on them? We will never see them, and it is likely that whoever leaked this will die a horrible death. He will probably slice himself up, light himself on fire, and jump into the ocean with cement shoes, after he takes a cyanide pill.

This is a short one today, because I need to minimize my keystrokes, so as not to pollute the Cyber Community with imaginary pollution.

Tune in tomorrow, if we still can.

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