Friday, July 30, 2010

Scared? Maybe a little? How about now?

If you have not been worried, or just a little nervous regarding the explosive expansion of federal power since 9/11, you may be asleep!

You might be so unplugged from the everyday activities of the "Real Real World" that you do not notice, all of the power grabs, and rewording/redefining of what you are actually entitled to.
I said real real world, because you think you live in the real world, however your world has been manipulated, and shaped, by the subliminal messages at the bottom of your news cast, or the billboards you pass, or the commercials you watch etc... I was once like that myself, and then like a switch, I saw things in a totally different light.

The FBI has expanded powers where they are able to read your e-mails now without a court order, and you do not need to be a suspect in a crime, or even be a person of interest! In the name of "National Security" they can access your info, e-mails, and web search history, in a form of Pre-crime. I know what the Skeptics of my point of view are thinking, Well Norm, there are so many people that wish to do harm to us that it is neccesary to track everyone in order to protect the innocent. My response is if we are being looked at, we are no longer considered innocent! We are suspects of something everytime we logon to a computer. So let me get this straight: They can listen to our "private" phone calls in the name of "National Security" They can look at our "private" e-mails, and web searches in the name of "National Security" yet, who is listening to them, and who is watching them? Did you know that right now, President Obama has the power to shut off the power to the internet in the name of? Anyone Bueller? "National Security" But my question is why? See all major data bases, and critical infrastructure websites are on private Internet systems, so in all reality they could shut down those systems, and leave our internet alone.Here again go the skeptics: Well Norm these are federal officers, and their character speaks for itself! Really, that's the argument?

We live in a world, that is changing so fast, most people do not understand. They think I have the New I pod, or Droid, or I pad, and think they are up on technology.

I'm no techie, and I do not claim to be, but one thing I am is perceptive. Something is brewing, and I'm not sure what it is yet, but I have a feeling that it has to do with Chips, and not the ones you eat. With Immigration as the sideshow, and heathcare electronic medical database they are working on, tracking your phones, and computers, and cars, would it not seem logical that in order to really keep an eye on the bad guys, they would need to track us as well?

I'm not saying be paranoid, but I am saying, watch what you view, read, listen to , and say on your computers, and on your phones, because "Big Brother" is watching you!

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