Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy Same Year!

2012 was another one for the record books. From unprecedented spending, to unprecedented disasters, we have now set a new precedent! As the ball dropped in Times Square, another ball was dropped on Capital Hill. The illusion that the government was hard at work for us on New Years Eve, fixes nothing! We are headed for the fiscal cliff, make no doubt about that, it just might not happen now util next month! I am labeling this year the year of the dragging! Dragging us down into the abyss! The low interest rates right now will do nobody any good when your money is not worth the paper it is printed on. Let's put it this way.....how long could you and your family survive just using credit cards? When your income is let's say $100,000. and your take home is $70,000., but your yearly expenses are $100,000. Eventually the banks will cut you off, because you cannot make the monthly payments, and then it's all down hill, or off the fiscal cliff! I do not want to be all depressing, but does anyone think that this charade can keep going for infinity? My recommendation is that you educate yourself on the coming crisis, and start reading the government docs, and budgets/bills as they are made public. If you read these documents carefully, so will see that I am not paranoid, you will see it in black and white for yourself that we are in fact fiscally doomed! Happy New Year!

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