Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ho ho ho, and the last Christmas?

So 3 ho's is the way to go, if this is to be the last Christmas, so Ho, Ho, Ho! Today is December 21st 2011, and according to the doomsday followers we are 1 year away from the end of all things! If it is true, there is not a thing you can do, but hunker down and hold on for the ride. Please continue to pay your bills, because I do not want to pay your bills. Please occupy your jobs, instead of Wall Street, Main Street, or my Street. Please be kind to your neighbor, because it is the right thing to do, and he may have food and water you will need in the event the end does come.
If December 21,2012 does end up being a bad day globally, do you want to live? I am living everyday in 2012 like I lived everyday in every year of my I am here still. I will love my friends, family, and respect those people that earn my respect. I will stand up for my beliefs, and respect yours! I will not try to convince you I am right, I will let you figure that out by yourself, and I will not tell you, I told you so.

For all we know the end of time could be in 2013 , but I will say this: the world will end at some point, and when it happens you will know. If someone knows before you, there is a reason they did not tell you, so you won't panic.

Enjoy this Christmas, Hanuka, Kwanzaa, and whatever you celebrate...believe in what you believe, and most important of all, believe in yourself.

God, Buddha, Allah, and so on bless you all.....Peace out my peeps!

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