Sunday, January 30, 2011

Is the Tunisia violence contagous?

Who is next in the wildfire, of countries melting down? The protests in the middle east are widespread, and go far beyond the borders of Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Libya. In England thousands of student protesters took to the streets to protest the huge increase in the education costs. The amount of people globally that are angry is growing... My question is when does the censored news get even more controlled, so you do not get more educated regarding world affairs!
China blocked the word "Egypt" from the Internet for it's citizens... Imagine a billion screaming Chinese slaves (that's what they are in that dictatorship) waking up to take to the streets? China would fall over night. There are so many countries where the citizens feel like they are being robbed, and looted, and they are right. We are being robbed here in America. The real unemployment #'s are 22.5%not 9.4 as reported on mainstream channels. I am not saying that we need to take to the streets here in America, but I am saying what I have been saying for a long time, and that is stock up with food and water. It has begun. The collapse of the global system has begun. The growing situation in the middle east will lead to increasing fuel, food, water prices here in America. All of the pressure on the oil markets will destroy the dollar, and when that happens good bye calm content citizens of America, you will get angry, and protest when you can no longer support, and feed yourself and families. It is coming, and I am sorry for being so negative here, but I have been warning. The cracks are in the dam, and all the bubble gum they (our Govt) have put in the wall will eventually give way. As the stimulus money dries up, it is becoming more evident that the real crisis in America will dwarf the meltdown of 2008. Prepare while you can still afford to. Now!

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