Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Do we need to be told how to parent?

An Indionapolis woman of Somali descent is charged with locking her children in a closet for 10 hours while she went to visit a friend. The fact that she locked them in the closet is enough to charge her on a whole bunch of things, but two of these children died!

My question is: Do we need to be monitored as parents?

I know what you are thinking, because I'm thinking it myself. No we do not need to be monitored, however, every time that one of these nut jobs with no common sense, and no reasonable ability to take care of other people has a child, we come closer to a surviellance state.

Imagine that the government keeps growing at the rate it is currently, and imagine, that as government grows, your privacy shrinks. Eventually all privacy becomes non existant. It is not that hard to imagine really, here is an example: I'm 37 years old, back in 1970 the Pentagon, and CDC started collecting blood samples from babies at birth,( I guess that includes me) and you did not know about it. It is pretty simple, but invasive at the same time. Why are they doing this? A DNA data base, which stores this info for interpol, the FBI and other organizations. Here is something else to think about. When was the last time you bought cigarettes, alcohol, or Mucinex? Did you have to scan your license? What's my point? Look at the photo id and then sell me the stuff! When they scan it, it tracks how much of these things I purchase, and if I'm a 60 year old grandmother in Ohio buying medicine for my husband and daughter, I get arrested, because I purchased too much Mucinex and if you know how to make crystal meth I guess you can make it out of Mucinex. A surviellance state does not have to be cameras on every corner, it just means that you do not know who is watching you and why.

This woman that locked her kids in a closet, and killed them deserves what she gets, but the rest of us normal, and capable law abiding, suitable parents should not get punished, because of the other half. In countries around the world there are laws prohibiting multiple children in families. In a few countries there are required licenses for having a baby, and in some countries there are cameras on every corner.

As governments grow, and bank accounts shrink people are starting to get frustrated. The only way to subdue an angry mob, is to control them. Control the money, control the food, and watch them carefully. We are a short time away from a total control grid, and a cashless society. What that means is when it is no longer acceptable to purchase goods with cash, you will be required to use a card or something else that can be tracked, controlled, and shut off if you are not a good little follower.

Watch your back, and front.

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