Thursday, September 23, 2010

Did he just say what I think he said?

President Barrack Obama, issued a challenge to the terrorists of the world when he said "The United States can absorb another terrorist attack". If the President was attempting to talk tough,it did not work. If he said this to set the stage for a pre midterm crisis in order to salvage whatever control the dems still have left, then God help him. A question of the majority of U.S. citizens is this: What the F#$k is wrong with your brain Mr. President? I think that maybe (I'm probably wrong on this) he was saying that Pearl Harbor did not kill this country, 9/11 did not kill this country, so we can handle it.

I want to believe that he feels this way, but those of you that know me, and have read my previous posts know that there is a "What if" around the corner.

So here it is, what if he did this as a signal? What if the terrorists are not Islamic extremists, but white collar bankers, and politicians that want to control you, and yours? What if Our President, who appeared out of nowhere, to win an election over people that had a clear advantage, yet were overtaken was manufactured to usher in the New World Order?. What if a terrorist attack were to happen before the midterms? What if it was not a practitioner of Islam? What if it was a "Domestic" terrorist, someone that you work with, live near or are best friends with?

Here is where I am heading, the other night the show "The Event" premiered on TV, and after watching this my brain began swimming in ideas. One is that the guy that hijacks the plane is under distress because his girlfriend is kidnapped, and he is forced to do this, or other people he knows will die. My thought was this: Does our government get involved in things like that? I'm not talking about the plane disappearing, I'm talking about picking a patsy. Imagine that you come home one day from work to find your family tied up, and a masked gunman saying you will do this, or your family will die. What do you do? You would probably comply right? I'm in super conspiracy mode today, but I think these things so other people do not have to.
Hopefully there are no more attacks in this country, I'm sure there will be, just because, but I pray there are not.

In the event that my face ever hits the news, as an instigator of anything negative where I do not survive, just remember this post. Remember this post, because it was not me that did the horrible deeds. Our country is not in a recovery, just look around. The tea party is being constantly attacked by both parties so as to discredit them. The Machine is breaking down, and they know it. There is always a plan "B" for these people. If the Republicans win in November, and retake the house and senate, then plan "B" goes into high gear. The destination stays the same, it's just a different car driving you there.

Keep your ears, and eyes open, for the "Event" not the one on Monday nights, but the one I fear could be coming before November.

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