Saturday, February 13, 2010

I always feel like someone's watching me, and I get no privacy!

Imagine this:....You are hiking through the woods looking for a place to camp for the night, when you slip on a rock and break your leg, the person with you gets you comfortable, and says "I'm going for help", they leave, and you are all alone! Minutes, turn into hours, and darkness sets in. You hear howls, the rustling of leaves, and the eerie sounds of the night creeping up on you. You try and get a signal on your phone to make a call, and it's not working, all of a sudden a spot light glares down on you, and it's from the rescue helicopter. They "pinged" your phone, and "triangulated" your position. You are saved, all because of the technology! As you thank God, and the rescuers, you are so happy that we now live in a technologically advanced world where this was possible.

Two years later, you are walking through a mall shopping for something, when all of a sudden you are surrounded by armed officers telling you to lie face down on the ground with your hands in plain view. It seems that the same technology that helped save you, also got you arrested.

The FBI and Federal Government are trying to make it legal for them to track you whenever they want, using your cell phone. For some people this is not a problem, and for others it is an invasion of privacy! The link to this story is down below!

I do not have a problem with the use of this technology if it is for good, to keep us safe, but what happens when it goes beyond a reasonable use, and becomes sinister?

I know I'm all about doom and gloom and the other side, but I'm that way for a reason. If I constantly wrote about how good the world was, then people who read this would not be prepared for anything bad. I should have worked for the Government to point out the opposite side of things, because let's face it....The Government is the only group of people reading my blog anyway.

If this law is made and enforced you will no longer have any privacy. If you had the illusion of a private cell phone conversation in the past, you are one of the people still asleep when it comes to the way our world is now! It is OK for you to be one of these people, I was one of you, but the last 4 years of my life, have activated my own technology inside, called my intuition.

Let's say for a minute that this law goes forward, your cell phone contract is subject to Federal laws already, that supersedes your cell phone agreement. If the government changes this law after it is in place they can impose stronger regulations, and modify the law as they see fit, and nobody needs to notify you of these changes. In a nutshell,Combine the Patriot Act, with the tracking of credit card usage, Internet usage, phone call history, surveillance cameras everywhere, oh, and the GPS coordinates of your front door obtained, by the US Census last year I would say for right now, they got us covered. The term "National Security" will get this law to pass, and when it does it will be only a matter of time before you hear about the implementation of the FID verichip process to begin. Human lo jack is coming to a theater near you, or in you.
See you, They do!

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