Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is it time to cash out of the stock market?

It's up,it's down, It's way up, and all the way down. No this is not a sex movie, or a roller coaster, it is the stock market.

Everyone that invests a little or a lot knows that you should not gamble or invest if you cannot afford to lose it. Investing is similar to gambling, and for some people just as addicting.

As I watched the market lose a few hundred points in the last few weeks, I have watched the magic line as well. 10,000 seems to be the life line for the market these days. I am not an experienced investor, but my mental wiring allows me to see things in a different way than everyone else. With the losses the last couple weeks etc... and the gains today of 150, are we being misled into thinking that's just how it goes?

I tend to think that this is the beginning of the end of the inflated, out of proportion #'s on WS. When I say inflated I mean these volumes are like all the other bubbles that recently burst. The #'s are in the 10,000's, but if you think about how many jobs were shed from publicly traded companies, in order for the volume to still be in the markets, and satisfy shareholders you have to wonder about "quality" in a decreased workforce atmosphere. People are doing more with way less, and running "Lean" is the focus of most companies, except for our Government, which seems to get bigger by the day.

Nobody reads this anyway, so I can go on a limb and say what I'm thinking: Our economy is going to collapse in 3 months or less. Our stores will be packed with food, you can no longer buy with your money. Gas will be $5.00 or more a gallon, and crime will be on the rise. I have a feeling that this little spike today is a warning shot across the bow of the investment class, to batten down the hatches, and prepare for real bad stuff!

If you own gold, get rid of it, because it will be useless to you! I'm pretty sure that our Government will know who has what, and how to go about getting it.

We are being overthrown by the people we put in power so they can control our money/land/guns/and us.

Like I said I'm not an investor, and as always I hope I'm wrong, but so far in a month I have pointed out some interesting stuff, just using my gut, and I have not been off yet!

When the damage is done, and these things take shape, what will it be like? Tomorrow's story is called "Day 1" I think you know what I'm referring to.

See you!

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