Friday, January 15, 2010

Taxes on what?

This definition is from free online dictionary
slav·er·y (slv-r, slvr)
n. pl. slav·er·ies
1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
a. The practice of owning slaves.
b. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
3. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
4. A condition of hard work and subjection

End of Definition.

Slavery is a practice, that has not been legal in quite some time here in America. I for one wish I was alive when slavery was legal so I may have helped free the people, from this inhumane, and unjust despicable practice.

I might get my wish after all. I do not in any way want to minimize the suffering, struggles, or embarrassment that the African American population have endured in those times, and up to now, I am simply making a point!

We will all be slaves shortly. We will be slaves to a collapsing economy, a dying dollar, and a New World Order! Conspiracy man is back for a new adventure in " What do you know about the NWO?" The WHO (A UN sponsored World Health Organization) proposed a new set of taxes, on the world stage that could rake in billions of dollars. Taxes on Internet usage (so much for free speech) taxes on online banking transactions yada yada yada... I did not think our government could find any more ways to tax us, oh wait the WHO is not our government, so I'm confused where do they get the right to propose anything like that?

Go to Fox News and in the search window paste this :U.N.'s World Health Organization Eyeing Global Tax on Banking, Internet Activity.

This will bring up a story that will leave you scratching your head.

I'm not sure who is awake or still asleep, but let me tell you that bad things are coming and they are coming like a freight train with no brakes. We are going to wake up one morning and not know what's going on, and you might be afraid to ask the armed UN non speaking foreign troop on your block. I might be way over the line here, but consider this: In the last 9 years since 9/11, we have started monitoring phone calls, Internet usage, banking. Legislation is in place for hate speech, hate crimes etc.... Christmas is offensive to non believers, the government wants your neighbors to rat you out if you seem suspicious to them. We cannot question the government without being labeled "Teabaggers" or "Extremists" They are ramming things through the senate in lightning speed, with no debate, and no transparency, and my blog is soon to be non-existent. Why will my blog soon be gone? Have you heard of Cass Sunstien? You will tomorrow.

See you then


Unknown said...

I know I've said that I don't really want to hear the 'bad' stuff but really it's beginning to look more and more like it's reality...thank you for keeping all of us informed and most importantly, for keeping our family safe with your preparations!

JP said...
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JP said...

Keep the posts up! People need to be aware of what's going on. I, like most reasonable people, have no problem contributing more to help the poor. But the idea that certain groups, like unions, have an exemption in the healthcare bill from paying taxes on their healtcare plans simply because they helped get Obama elected is disgusting. So everyone working in the private sector is now on the hook for that lost tax revenue? Is that fair? And by the way union members...not all people working in the private sector make six figures and have pensions! People need to start paying attention to what's going on. Ok I feel better now....

norm said...

Thanks Amy, and Jen! I hope that people hitting that turning point, sperads like wildfire. Everyday more people are seeing it, and everyday more people are starting to stand up, and speak freely. It's a race against time for us to Stop What President Obama calls "Fundamentally Changing America". I do not want it to change into a Socialist country. I like Capitalism, as long as it is in control.