Monday, January 18, 2010

The Calm before the storm

Tomorrow is election day in Massachusetts, and according to most media outlets, tomorrow could prove to be disastrous for the Democrats if Scott Brown wins. Well it could prove to be disastrous to every American citizen if Martha "Choke"ly Coakley wins. If Coakley wins, then The Obama admin has more time to fine tune their agenda, and think of more ways to strip our freedoms, or redefine what those freedoms, and rights should be.

Next subject: I've heard the phrase before about a jobless recovery, and then I heard it again today from a friend of mine. This friend is very well educated, and a lawyer, but I disagree with him on this. If we were a country that manufactured things, and the country was recovering due to our products selling, thus increased supply and demand I would agree in a jobless recovery, however, our home sales are down, building is down, inflation is creeping into the marketplace, and unemployment is at 10.2%. The stock market volume looks impressive, but it just looks that way. Our dollar is on life support, gold and silver are at record highs, and at some point that bubble will burst. What I find interesting is that Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is still SOD, and that interests me greatly. Everyday in the news seems to bring more distractions from the changes in our way of life. I was researching something today about the Census , when I stumbled on something about The department of Defense.
copy and paste the link.
I know I am all over the place today, but I do have a point. Here is the first paragraph from this article in 2008, and it is still in effect:

The U.S. military expects to have 20,000 uniformed troops inside the United States by 2011 trained to help state and local officials respond to a nuclear terrorist attack or other domestic catastrophe, according to Pentagon officials.

Couple this with the push for health care reform, the GPS post from the other day, and the resurgence of terrorism. Is something brewing for 2011?????

I'm not sure, but I have a growing feeling that we know about something coming, either real or staged. There is so much deception happening right now, and you need the truth.

Start researching, because something smells fishy!

See you tomorrow

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