Monday, January 24, 2011

How come?

I could spend some time writing about lieliepalooza that will be taking place tomorrow evening, but that will actually speak volumes for itself.
Instead today I want to discuss NLE 2011. For those of you that do not know what NLE stands for it is National Level Exercise, and this years will be taking place in May. A National Level Exercise is a massive drill with homeland security and Fema "partnering" with local law enforcement and emergency responders on how to prepare and respond to a catastrophe. I know you are thinking...why is that a problem? It is not the disaster planning that is the problem, the problem is what Fema and
DHS are buying in preparation for this event.

This is an exercise, or is it? If it is an exercise, are they going to have 7 million participants? The reason I ask is that there is a request byFema, and DHS for 140 million prepared meals, to support 7 million people 2 meals a day for 10 days. What is even more interesting is that these meals only have a shelf life of 36 months. Here I go down conspiracy lane, but the NLE is going to focus on the New Madrid Fault line which has not had a significant earthquake in 200 years. This is an earthquake drill, but how does one simulate an 8. Earthquake, to make it seem somewhat realistic? Another query DHS made was for underwater bodybags (no specific amount was requested, but none the less it was an odd request). 140 million cotton blankets were also shopped out.

Now I know my mind is not quite right in how I think, but I do find it really scary to think that items are being purchased in advance of a drill about a 7+ magnitude earthquake that is not really going to happen!!!! This exercise reminds me of the one that took place the morning of 9/11 in Norad, and New York City. If you were unaware of those drills on the morning of 9/11 , you can look them up. My point is simple: we are 23 months away from the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, and I'm not a believer in that whole thing, but maybe someone else in our government is a believer, and is planning for disaster without warning anyone? Interesting? Just a little!!!

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