Who is next in the wildfire, of countries melting down? The protests in the middle east are widespread, and go far beyond the borders of Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Libya. In England thousands of student protesters took to the streets to protest the huge increase in the education costs. The amount of people globally that are angry is growing... My question is when does the censored news get even more controlled, so you do not get more educated regarding world affairs!
China blocked the word "Egypt" from the Internet for it's citizens... Imagine a billion screaming Chinese slaves (that's what they are in that dictatorship) waking up to take to the streets? China would fall over night. There are so many countries where the citizens feel like they are being robbed, and looted, and they are right. We are being robbed here in America. The real unemployment #'s are 22.5%not 9.4 as reported on mainstream channels. I am not saying that we need to take to the streets here in America, but I am saying what I have been saying for a long time, and that is stock up with food and water. It has begun. The collapse of the global system has begun. The growing situation in the middle east will lead to increasing fuel, food, water prices here in America. All of the pressure on the oil markets will destroy the dollar, and when that happens good bye calm content citizens of America, you will get angry, and protest when you can no longer support, and feed yourself and families. It is coming, and I am sorry for being so negative here, but I have been warning. The cracks are in the dam, and all the bubble gum they (our Govt) have put in the wall will eventually give way. As the stimulus money dries up, it is becoming more evident that the real crisis in America will dwarf the meltdown of 2008. Prepare while you can still afford to. Now!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Egypt in America
Unless you live on a remote island with no contact with the rest of the planet, you undoubtedly know of the crisis in Egypt. What you may not know is that this could happen here, and it could happen here in as little as 6 months! Do you remember my Normstradamus posting a couple of weeks ago where I made predictions about $5.00 a gallon gas, and food prices going up? Egypt's crisis just yesterday spiked oil prices $4.00 a barrel. The cabinet of Egypt stepped down due to the protests, but their President did not. The President has been in power for 30 years, and unless he steps down, this situation will not end. What I find interesting is that Tunisia collapsed and the hated dictator that left power there fled with 1.5 tons of gold, not cash....Gold! What do you think the President of Egypt will walk away with when he leaves? He will leave, or you will be witnessing the beginning of WW3. I know everyone thought that WW3 could start with Iran or N. Korea, but oil flows through the Suez Canal, and if things continue to escalate in Egypt that canal will be shut down. Iran has applauded the uprising in Egypt, and the United States is on standby as to intervene militarily to protect their asset in the region...the US dollar.
Considering that the US dollar has been the global currency since the 70's it is time that it meets it's maker, and I believe that time has come. Now that Russia and China have tapped into an endless supply of oil in their region of the world, they no longer need to use middle eastern oil, which in turn puts pressure on the dollar. That is why China has called for an end to the dollar as the world reserve currency. Pressure is already on the dollar all by itself, add in the Egyptian situation, and then the China Russia deal, and you have the perfect storm to end the reign of the mighty US Buck.... Yes I'm calling it, the buck stops here! We are not going to get the full story at CNN, Fox, or any other mainstream media outlet. Why do you think the Egyptian government shut down the internet, and mobile service? To take care of business! People are being slaughtered right now in the streets of Egypt, and it's all because of money. The poor are angry, and starving, and the powerful elitists are robbing them.
Watch this carefully, because I am telling you now, this is like an earthquake, there will be a ripple effect, and an economic tsunami coming to the shores of America soon.
Considering that the US dollar has been the global currency since the 70's it is time that it meets it's maker, and I believe that time has come. Now that Russia and China have tapped into an endless supply of oil in their region of the world, they no longer need to use middle eastern oil, which in turn puts pressure on the dollar. That is why China has called for an end to the dollar as the world reserve currency. Pressure is already on the dollar all by itself, add in the Egyptian situation, and then the China Russia deal, and you have the perfect storm to end the reign of the mighty US Buck.... Yes I'm calling it, the buck stops here! We are not going to get the full story at CNN, Fox, or any other mainstream media outlet. Why do you think the Egyptian government shut down the internet, and mobile service? To take care of business! People are being slaughtered right now in the streets of Egypt, and it's all because of money. The poor are angry, and starving, and the powerful elitists are robbing them.
Watch this carefully, because I am telling you now, this is like an earthquake, there will be a ripple effect, and an economic tsunami coming to the shores of America soon.
Friday, January 28, 2011
not sure what this means if anything at all
The Tuscon shooting has created the mainstream debate over 2nd amendment, while also one over the 1st blaming political rhetoric as a possible ignition point of the tragedy. As the story gets old, and the events still tragic get dragged on and on the mainstream has failed to persuade the public into thinking that the shooter was a politically motivated individual. The truth came out that this man had an infatuation with Rep Giffords, and that infatuation plus his clear mental instability led to this unfortunate event. In a last gasp effort by the Washington politicians to seize the moment, the State of the Union mixer with a "why can't we all get along" theme, supports Rahm Emanuels statement "you should never let a good crisis go to waste". With the SOTU out of the way, it is on to bigger and scarier things. Barrack Obama has no chance of a second term in office, so he needs a major event to catapult him into the savior role! DHS which partnered with Wal Mart to display Public Service Announcements at their stores warning people if you see something suspicious say something, is at it again. The newest videos that were rolled out, are at malls, hotels, sporting events, and more. You may be thinking "what is the harm in training employees and ordinary citizens in being aware of things around them? I do not think that being aware is a problem, but this DHS rollout of look out for suspicious activity reminds me of a line from the Pixar movie "The Incredibles" when Syndrome says to Mr Incredible "When everyone is super, no one will be"! When everyone is suspicious, nobody will be suspicious, because we will be a self policing society where nobody trusts anybody! This past week has brought up a few interesting things for me.
The state of the union address had a theme of solidarity by everyone sitting together. The President spoke about immigration reform once and for all. DHS is releasing Public Service Announcements at over 9,000 locations (chances are you will see these soon). DHS announced that they are doing away with the color coded terror threat system, and going to a more specific one that involves all local authorities. Yesterday it was reported that a book praising homicide and suicide bombers was found in the desert in Arizona....It was a book, not a bomb, just a book! Here is my dilemma: if the President wants to secure the borders from terrorists etc... won"t you also need to secure the cities and towns in the country from terrorists now too? After all you found a book in the desert conveniently near the border, and the origin of the book is from "IRAN" the place it was found has no near by cameras, and this was "Breaking News" yesterday. Maybe this person dropped the book by accident, because it fell out of his backpack that was a backpack nuke? I'm kidding about the backpack nuke, but are we waiting for something to happen? I have a bad feeling here, I have a feeling that something really big is coming, I have been warning about it for a while, but it just seems odd that suddenly securing the borders is of importance to the president, and a book praising bombers is found the same week that these DHS videos are rolled out, and the terror threat system is being revamped.
Not sure what any of this means if anything at all, but you now need to be suspicious, of me, you, your neighbors, friends, pets and so on!
The state of the union address had a theme of solidarity by everyone sitting together. The President spoke about immigration reform once and for all. DHS is releasing Public Service Announcements at over 9,000 locations (chances are you will see these soon). DHS announced that they are doing away with the color coded terror threat system, and going to a more specific one that involves all local authorities. Yesterday it was reported that a book praising homicide and suicide bombers was found in the desert in Arizona....It was a book, not a bomb, just a book! Here is my dilemma: if the President wants to secure the borders from terrorists etc... won"t you also need to secure the cities and towns in the country from terrorists now too? After all you found a book in the desert conveniently near the border, and the origin of the book is from "IRAN" the place it was found has no near by cameras, and this was "Breaking News" yesterday. Maybe this person dropped the book by accident, because it fell out of his backpack that was a backpack nuke? I'm kidding about the backpack nuke, but are we waiting for something to happen? I have a bad feeling here, I have a feeling that something really big is coming, I have been warning about it for a while, but it just seems odd that suddenly securing the borders is of importance to the president, and a book praising bombers is found the same week that these DHS videos are rolled out, and the terror threat system is being revamped.
Not sure what any of this means if anything at all, but you now need to be suspicious, of me, you, your neighbors, friends, pets and so on!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
We can win?
Are we in a drawing for Publishers Clearinghouse? Did we play the World Lottery sponsored by the IMF? Are we competing in Global Gladiators? We can win? I know that the campaigning for the 2012 election began the day President Obama stepped into office, but is anyone picking up what he is putting down? That whole disaster known as the State of The Union address was just a side show, the dignitaries were just political chess pieces in a move to try and sway the people who's mind numbing evening entertainment was interrupted by a comedy in itself. The President stated that he wants to streamline government...so in order to help lower the unemployment numbers, he's going to eliminate government jobs? To lower the deficit by 400 billion over 10 years which is 40 billion, he is going to put a freeze on spending for 5 years? Something stinks here, and it is not due to the emissions from Joe Biden who had a look of I just gassed all night long, while John Boehner had the I just smelled your gas look! Did anyone look more uncomfortable to be there than John Boehner?
I want to believe in our government, but I cannot get past the theatrics of it all. Let's sit together Dems and Repubs in a sign of unity, when in reality the standing ovations looked more balanced because of this strategy. Did you notice how quiet the Assembly was when the President was introduced? Did you notice that the applause was not that loud? If anyone walked away from watching that last night with a warm fuzzy feeling, it was because you were wearing a Snuggie!
I want to believe in our government, but I cannot get past the theatrics of it all. Let's sit together Dems and Repubs in a sign of unity, when in reality the standing ovations looked more balanced because of this strategy. Did you notice how quiet the Assembly was when the President was introduced? Did you notice that the applause was not that loud? If anyone walked away from watching that last night with a warm fuzzy feeling, it was because you were wearing a Snuggie!
Monday, January 24, 2011
How come?
I could spend some time writing about lieliepalooza that will be taking place tomorrow evening, but that will actually speak volumes for itself.
Instead today I want to discuss NLE 2011. For those of you that do not know what NLE stands for it is National Level Exercise, and this years will be taking place in May. A National Level Exercise is a massive drill with homeland security and Fema "partnering" with local law enforcement and emergency responders on how to prepare and respond to a catastrophe. I know you are thinking...why is that a problem? It is not the disaster planning that is the problem, the problem is what Fema and
DHS are buying in preparation for this event.
This is an exercise, or is it? If it is an exercise, are they going to have 7 million participants? The reason I ask is that there is a request byFema, and DHS for 140 million prepared meals, to support 7 million people 2 meals a day for 10 days. What is even more interesting is that these meals only have a shelf life of 36 months. Here I go down conspiracy lane, but the NLE is going to focus on the New Madrid Fault line which has not had a significant earthquake in 200 years. This is an earthquake drill, but how does one simulate an 8. Earthquake, to make it seem somewhat realistic? Another query DHS made was for underwater bodybags (no specific amount was requested, but none the less it was an odd request). 140 million cotton blankets were also shopped out.
Now I know my mind is not quite right in how I think, but I do find it really scary to think that items are being purchased in advance of a drill about a 7+ magnitude earthquake that is not really going to happen!!!! This exercise reminds me of the one that took place the morning of 9/11 in Norad, and New York City. If you were unaware of those drills on the morning of 9/11 , you can look them up. My point is simple: we are 23 months away from the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, and I'm not a believer in that whole thing, but maybe someone else in our government is a believer, and is planning for disaster without warning anyone? Interesting? Just a little!!!
Instead today I want to discuss NLE 2011. For those of you that do not know what NLE stands for it is National Level Exercise, and this years will be taking place in May. A National Level Exercise is a massive drill with homeland security and Fema "partnering" with local law enforcement and emergency responders on how to prepare and respond to a catastrophe. I know you are thinking...why is that a problem? It is not the disaster planning that is the problem, the problem is what Fema and
DHS are buying in preparation for this event.
This is an exercise, or is it? If it is an exercise, are they going to have 7 million participants? The reason I ask is that there is a request byFema, and DHS for 140 million prepared meals, to support 7 million people 2 meals a day for 10 days. What is even more interesting is that these meals only have a shelf life of 36 months. Here I go down conspiracy lane, but the NLE is going to focus on the New Madrid Fault line which has not had a significant earthquake in 200 years. This is an earthquake drill, but how does one simulate an 8. Earthquake, to make it seem somewhat realistic? Another query DHS made was for underwater bodybags (no specific amount was requested, but none the less it was an odd request). 140 million cotton blankets were also shopped out.
Now I know my mind is not quite right in how I think, but I do find it really scary to think that items are being purchased in advance of a drill about a 7+ magnitude earthquake that is not really going to happen!!!! This exercise reminds me of the one that took place the morning of 9/11 in Norad, and New York City. If you were unaware of those drills on the morning of 9/11 , you can look them up. My point is simple: we are 23 months away from the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012, and I'm not a believer in that whole thing, but maybe someone else in our government is a believer, and is planning for disaster without warning anyone? Interesting? Just a little!!!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Saying good bye is never easy to do, especially when it is saying good bye to your lifestyle, but I am sorry to tell you today, that life as we knew it is officially over!
The main stream media which tells the majority of Americans their side of what's happening, is covering distraction after distraction in order to keep the country divided. The more people become aware of the real world, the bigger the distraction is unveiled. The Tuscon shooting has been blamed on everyone except the actual shooter. MSM reports on quieting the political rhetoric in the country in order to restore peace....another words " shut up"! The establishment wants us dumbed down and uninformed now more than ever, because they realize that we are learning the other side of the story, from alternative media. We (me included) believed what mainstream media told me, up until a short time ago, but now I see the other side and there is no going back.
We as a country are finished, China who holds $1,000,000,000,000 of our debt is calling for an end to the dollar as the world reserve currency, and their leader is meeting with our President tomorrow. Do not raise the debt ceiling I say, let the chips fall where they may, and once the smoke clears we will see what happens.
Here are the two schools of thought:
1). Do not raise the debt ceiling, let us hit our limit, and see if we default on our debt. See if this would force the government to stop spending money that they do not have. This will lead to the United States to a sink or swim situation, and I think we as a nation would swim.
2). Raise the debt ceiling, and watch the numbers keep going. The interest alone will kill the economy, so we are probably better off with option 1 because we will end up there anyway in the next 6 months.
When the dollar dies, we (Americans) will be the last to know and won't you be shocked when you find out, because it will be too late. These are the times I have been warning you about, all seems like it is recovering, but what if the. "Recovery" we are seeing is our countries last breath? Our whole world is changing right now, and by summer we will be seeing some weird s.,t!
The main stream media which tells the majority of Americans their side of what's happening, is covering distraction after distraction in order to keep the country divided. The more people become aware of the real world, the bigger the distraction is unveiled. The Tuscon shooting has been blamed on everyone except the actual shooter. MSM reports on quieting the political rhetoric in the country in order to restore peace....another words " shut up"! The establishment wants us dumbed down and uninformed now more than ever, because they realize that we are learning the other side of the story, from alternative media. We (me included) believed what mainstream media told me, up until a short time ago, but now I see the other side and there is no going back.
We as a country are finished, China who holds $1,000,000,000,000 of our debt is calling for an end to the dollar as the world reserve currency, and their leader is meeting with our President tomorrow. Do not raise the debt ceiling I say, let the chips fall where they may, and once the smoke clears we will see what happens.
Here are the two schools of thought:
1). Do not raise the debt ceiling, let us hit our limit, and see if we default on our debt. See if this would force the government to stop spending money that they do not have. This will lead to the United States to a sink or swim situation, and I think we as a nation would swim.
2). Raise the debt ceiling, and watch the numbers keep going. The interest alone will kill the economy, so we are probably better off with option 1 because we will end up there anyway in the next 6 months.
When the dollar dies, we (Americans) will be the last to know and won't you be shocked when you find out, because it will be too late. These are the times I have been warning you about, all seems like it is recovering, but what if the. "Recovery" we are seeing is our countries last breath? Our whole world is changing right now, and by summer we will be seeing some weird s.,t!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Is this it?
I went to Wal-Mart this morning, and I got to the register and there she was....Janet Napolitano was staring at me and I must say it was quite creepy. No Janet herself is not creepy, it is the thought that our government is now asking us to play secret agent and spy on other people while we shop! Why is this creepy? See, little by little the government is asking it's citizens to spy on and rat out other citizens, under the guise of Homeland security, and she even says hometown security. It says if you see something suspicious in the store, or in the parking lot say something..... Well I think most people do not need the go ahead from the government to report suspicious activity, but what is suspicious? If I see a woman cramming stuff into her pocket book, is that suspicious? What if we jump to conclusions, and right before I come around the corner she spilled her purse and is simply putting her stuff back into her purse? That is her business not mine! How much of an ass would I feel like if I reported suspicious activity, only to find out I was wrong, and my assumption led to the embarrassment of another person, that was simply minding their own? Wal mart and all other stores have very sensitive, and elaborate security systems in their stores, and can catch a thief while using their own people, and systems...they do not need you or me playing Columbo while we purchase things that have built in rfid chips already!
Walmart has not been hit by a terrorist yet, and the mentality that everyone is a suspect for some crime is getting a little bit Orwellian.
The events of last weekend in Tuscon are tragic no doubt, but the pep rally for President Obama the other night left me with a very bad taste, and feeling. The deranged shooter is the only reason this happened. There are security cameras everywhere, and I have a feeling that we will soon see videos like this homeland security one in our grocery stores, sporting events, malls etc... Are you being watched while you shop? See most people may think that this one thing is not a big deal, they will say well if it keeps us safe, then it is worth it. Let's list a few things that some people are ok with, and you will get my point.
-FCC board privately votes to regulate the internet, no congressional approval needed. This is to make it fair for you!
-President Obama's admin is working on a plan for internet id cards to make sure we are using the internet in a responsible manner.
-The US government has approved a bill that the federal government now tells private farms how and what they can do, and this legislation, and regulation will cost more money, and lead to failures in the farming community, meaning higher prices for us.
-The shooting in AZ is leading to heated debates regarding the 1st & 2nd amendments.
-Instant warrant drunk driving checkpoints are leading to heated debate regarding the 4th amendment.
-Google works with the NSA
-The Patriot act has been extended.
-Full naked body scanners are in many airports, and some bus stations.
-A MMA fighter last week was visited by the secret service, because after his fight he made a comment about how he would like to fight the President, because he needs a slap in the head to wake him up!
The list goes on and on. All it takes is one disaster at a time, to implement these things on a federal level.
To those of you that know The Constitution, all of the states rights are being attacked through the passage of funds to the states from the federal government. The states are being bought off and they might not even know it. There are currently 800,000 federally funded high level officers on the United States payroll... Do you know them? like I said before the events of last weekend are tragic, but it should not be a platform for the government to push through more measures of control on the population.
Walmart has not been hit by a terrorist yet, and the mentality that everyone is a suspect for some crime is getting a little bit Orwellian.
The events of last weekend in Tuscon are tragic no doubt, but the pep rally for President Obama the other night left me with a very bad taste, and feeling. The deranged shooter is the only reason this happened. There are security cameras everywhere, and I have a feeling that we will soon see videos like this homeland security one in our grocery stores, sporting events, malls etc... Are you being watched while you shop? See most people may think that this one thing is not a big deal, they will say well if it keeps us safe, then it is worth it. Let's list a few things that some people are ok with, and you will get my point.
-FCC board privately votes to regulate the internet, no congressional approval needed. This is to make it fair for you!
-President Obama's admin is working on a plan for internet id cards to make sure we are using the internet in a responsible manner.
-The US government has approved a bill that the federal government now tells private farms how and what they can do, and this legislation, and regulation will cost more money, and lead to failures in the farming community, meaning higher prices for us.
-The shooting in AZ is leading to heated debates regarding the 1st & 2nd amendments.
-Instant warrant drunk driving checkpoints are leading to heated debate regarding the 4th amendment.
-Google works with the NSA
-The Patriot act has been extended.
-Full naked body scanners are in many airports, and some bus stations.
-A MMA fighter last week was visited by the secret service, because after his fight he made a comment about how he would like to fight the President, because he needs a slap in the head to wake him up!
The list goes on and on. All it takes is one disaster at a time, to implement these things on a federal level.
To those of you that know The Constitution, all of the states rights are being attacked through the passage of funds to the states from the federal government. The states are being bought off and they might not even know it. There are currently 800,000 federally funded high level officers on the United States payroll... Do you know them? like I said before the events of last weekend are tragic, but it should not be a platform for the government to push through more measures of control on the population.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Just to get the insult out of the way, you can say Normstradamus, or Normthedumbass what ever floats your boat. Last week My wife and I went to dinner with friends of ours and we had a great meal, and a few drinks which led to some spirited conversation. At the end of the evening my friend said just for fun, make a list of your predictions for the year 2011, and at the end of the year we can see what happened, or did not happen.
Here we go:
1). This is kind of in the works already, but I did say that food prices will skyrocket, due to some problem with the food supply, and the new legislation giving more control to the government with the food safety act will aid in this process. Also the birds fish crabs etc... Dying all over the place will make seafood prices go up as well.
2). The mass die off of these animals, will prompt global leaders to meet and discuss, climate change, and this will provide them the fear platform they need to push through the carbon tax, which failed miserably last year.
3). When the stimulus money dries up, and the full effects of QE2 are felt in the markets, you will see a massive sell off of stocks, and I do not mean a 500 point drop, I mean 1,000 point drop, and a few of them. The markets are high, because they are propped up right now with money that is not backed by anything right now.
4). Gas for your car will hit $5.00 a gallon by June.
5). Inflation is coming to a grocery store near you.
6). A massive earthquake in the United States will happen before fall.
7). The US Government will disclose the reality of UFO's.
8). The US dollar will collapse.
9). The US economy will collapse.
10). A massive terror attack, or a virus, will re emerge, and cause a panic.
I think 10 are enough, and hopefully I am wrong about all 10, but here are the numbers I am certain will in fact happen, and those are 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8.
Happy New Year!
Here we go:
1). This is kind of in the works already, but I did say that food prices will skyrocket, due to some problem with the food supply, and the new legislation giving more control to the government with the food safety act will aid in this process. Also the birds fish crabs etc... Dying all over the place will make seafood prices go up as well.
2). The mass die off of these animals, will prompt global leaders to meet and discuss, climate change, and this will provide them the fear platform they need to push through the carbon tax, which failed miserably last year.
3). When the stimulus money dries up, and the full effects of QE2 are felt in the markets, you will see a massive sell off of stocks, and I do not mean a 500 point drop, I mean 1,000 point drop, and a few of them. The markets are high, because they are propped up right now with money that is not backed by anything right now.
4). Gas for your car will hit $5.00 a gallon by June.
5). Inflation is coming to a grocery store near you.
6). A massive earthquake in the United States will happen before fall.
7). The US Government will disclose the reality of UFO's.
8). The US dollar will collapse.
9). The US economy will collapse.
10). A massive terror attack, or a virus, will re emerge, and cause a panic.
I think 10 are enough, and hopefully I am wrong about all 10, but here are the numbers I am certain will in fact happen, and those are 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8.
Happy New Year!
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