Saturday, October 30, 2010

These bombs were not from Al Queda

This post is strictly one from the gut. I have no proof about what I am going to write, but I know I am right.

The bombs that were found on the UPS or FED Ex planes were not from Al Queda, They were from The United States Government. First things first:

Earlier in the week I posted about the former Raytheon employee whose house was raided by the FBI for matters of national security, and we have not heard anything more about that. Next we have airports in Europe calling out the redundancy of the screening process for flights to America, and the large revolt of American citizens who are refusing to be radiated at airports by going through the naked body scanners, and now the bomb plots are foiled once again. Earlier this week a man who thought he was working with Al Queda was arrested for conspiring to aid terrorists.

Did I not mention the resurgence of terror before the midterms? I also said that something major is coming just after the midterms. If these bombs were so half assed as reported then why did they make it on the plane? It just so happens that they were addressed to synagogue's which is against Al Quedas M-O If Al Queda was indeed behind this, then a better place to put these would have been a Mosque so someone could carry it out in the street, or to blow it up mid air over a city in the US. Truth is, that these bombs were meant to be found in order to politicize the event, before the midterms. When the failed underwear bomber was let on the plane in December, The President took 3 whole days before commenting on the foiled attack. It seems quite Ironic that he's all over it like white on rice with this latest attempt, just days before the midterms. When the Democrats lose their majorities on November 2nd plan "B" goes into effect. Web Bot predictions coupled with the warning that Janet Napolitano threw out to a friend (as reported by Lindsey Williams on the Alex Jones show) will indeed be a reality, because in order for the masses of citizens who are waking up to stay subdued for the NWO to take shape, there needs to be a semblance of the peoples will being done. The Political landscape of this country is dead, people are going into vote for the lesser of two evils. They expect the Government to continue to fail them, they just want to slow the process down, by voting out the Dems.

When the elections are over, and the Dems lose the majority, they still have a couple of months left to proceed as planned, if something truly catastrophic takes place after the elections....Like a nuke, or aliens, or whatever you can wrap your brain around, it won't matter who you voted for, because we will need to rally around those currently in power, so the election results won't matter anyway!

This is my forecast for the coming weeks:

November 1st-November 7th. Terror plot on Monday Elections on Tuesday nothing rest of the week.
November 8th-November 15th. Some major event will take place. Conveniently enough President Obama will be out of the country, Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates will be out of the country, this week as well.
November 16-whenever. Will be a complete re alignment of our society. Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who is Richard Lloyd and what was he going to do?

In Melrose Massachusetts, a house was raided by the FBI confiscating dozens of boxes full of potential evidence the other day. Richard Lloyd 49 of Melsrose was the owner of that home, and was stopped at JFK airport trying to board a flight with a laptop that belonged to Raytheon. According to the news reports Richard no longer worked for Raytheon, but here is a tid bit I grabbed online, that can be verified easily, by contacting the source.

"In a March 7, 2003, news article, The Spokesman-Review reported that Lloyd, then 42, was joining U.N. inspectors in uncovering suspected Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Lloyd was a volunteer inspector for the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspections Commission (UNMOVIC). U.N. officials forbade him from speaking to the press about the 2003 mission".

So I have a couple of directions I can go with this:

1). If this man was not a threat to anyone, and according to witnesses of the house raid "Were in no danger" why have the FBI Raiding this guys house? Did Raytheon ask the man to return the laptop? Did Raytheon want this mans patents, and when he refused, they crucified him? Where was he flying to, and who was he going to see? When did his employment with Raytheon end, and what was in all of those boxes they removed?

2).The fact that he was looking for the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (That were never found) leads me to what he knew, what he was going to say, and who he was going to say it to.

3). With the recent major build up in foiled terrorist plots, was this raid part of something much bigger? Much bigger than 9/11?

Considering for a moment the Joe Stack IRS manifesto, and then the leaked issues regarding his involvement with defense contractors, The Foiled crotch bomber on Christmas, that was literally led onto the plane, by well dressed individuals that had security clearance high enough that the bomber did not need a passport. The failed Times Square bomber, who's Barbecue bomb failed to ignite, and so on...

The FBI is like every company on earth, there are great people employed there, as well as the not so great. There seems to be an incredible amount of people willing to go out looking for assistance in blowing stuff up in America, and the FBI conveniently is always there acting as Al Queda.

How much of a nut job do you need to be to shoot a weapon at the Pentagon? What's happening with that investigation?

Do these wannabe bombers post ads on Craigslist? "Single Islamic Jihadist seeks like minded anti American enthusiasts, to inflict mass casualties. Only serious inquiries please".

This could be nothing at all, The DC Wannabee metro bomber could be a guy that really wants to do us harm, or he could be a patsy in order to hype the threat, so that the one that gets by the feds does not hurt their average! After all they are only human.

In closing, I'm intrigued to say the least in the resurgence of terror, prior to midterm elections, and I'm cautiously anticipating the events of the next 3 weeks. According to A friend very close to Janet Napolitano 6 months of food and water is an immediate necessity in ones home, for the Event that is going to be huge.

Stay tuned I guess, and see what happens.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Can you afford an extra 20-30k a year?

The Bipartisan National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform has met a whopping 5 times to discuss the financial future of every person in this country! One of the main focuses of this committee is how to handle the National Debt which currently stands at $13.6 trillion. The report of their recommendations is due in December, and the next steps are the House, Senate, and Presidents desk.

My question to you is this: How much more can you afford to give away to the Federal Government?

One topic being heavily considered is eliminating or reducing the tax breaks on your tax return for your dependents, and your mortgage interest. Using my own example, 2 kids @ $3,500 each, and about $15,000 a year in interest equates to $22,500 in new taxes!

So let me think for a minute. Who do I not feed, or, clothe,have Christmas/birthday presents for? Probably would start with me and my wife, but would that be enough? Next the price of heating oil, and natural gas are going up, so now there is less to spend on that! Food prices are slowly creeping up, and don't forget the ongoing threat of terror.

I can no longer afford to mince words, so I won't! We are screwed! We are Broke! And the United States of America is finished!

Lou Dobbs was just on Fox News discussing this issue, and guess what? I believe him, the reason I believe him is simple. The main stream media usually in a casual manner fires things out into TV land to say they covered it.

While you are sitting around the table tonight, enjoying a hot meal, while getting ready for Dancing with the stars or biggest loser. Take a minute, and look at your family and try to decide who lives and who dies. You will have to make that choice, because the government does not care, they simply want your money.... All of it.

Next in line is the pensions of the State/Town/ workers. Teachers pensions are on the table as well. When you spend yourself into oblivion, you cannot spend your way out!

Monday, October 25, 2010

And so it goes

If what I'm writing today turns out to be true, I will be only one of a few people on the planet that saw it all coming.

If what I'm writing does not happen, I will not blog again, chances are though that if I am right with what I write I will not be blogging again either.

November 8-11 2010 an event larger in scale than 9/11 will take place. What this event is I'm not quite sure, but whatever it is will create a financial collapse, and even the collapse of our society as well.

Aliens? I do not think so. Even though the media has been hyping aliens in the last few weeks, I do not think it is this....not yet.

Terror attacks? Yes, but I'm not sure of how.

The collapse of the economy? Yes! This all starts with a physical attack, and then the complete implosion of the stock markets and the economy....taking the focus off of the foreclosure scandal going on. In short, have cash in your home, because when the internet goes down which is likely for protection in the name of National Security, everything computerized suddenly is no longer functioning.

New form of H1N1 Influenza? Not this early in the season.

Where in the world am I getting my info? All over the internet, some mainstream news, and gut feelings. The establishment will not perpetrate attacks before election day, because that would be too obvious, but shortly after the attacks would no longer seems coincidental, and just seems like an attack.

A friend of Janet Napolitano spilled her beans, to a man named Lindsey Williams about a certain attack in the very near future. This attack will be severe, even though Janet would not go into detail, but Janet's warning was to buy 6 months of food and water immediately. Now I know you are wondering who this person is, and where I heard this. I heard this on the Alex Jones show. I have officially been labeled a nutjob conspiracy theorist, but you know what? I do not care! I have had a gut feeling about things in the past, and I have been right in the past. I have also been wrong as well. I was right in saying have 90 days of food and water, until that was deemed to not be enough.

I also stumbled across the Web Bot. Web Bot was originally created to patrol the internet, and predict stock futures, which it did well, it did this by roving the internet for language and grouping certain things together to form functioning patterns. Funny thing is, it is kind of like the movie The Matrix. It has had large amounts of volume preceding disasters, based on numbers. Prior to 9/11, the 2004Tsunami, the Mumbai attacks, the shuttle disaster, and the Gulf oil spill, and the makers of the Web Bot predict something major, coming 11/8-11/11 2010.

I do not know what this means, but my feelings over the past 10 months have been unsettling. I know for all of you skeptics that I have called for things, that just did not happen, however, I feel that my timing was off, and what I was feeling was correct, I was just unsure of the timing.

So here is my pledge to you today! If nothing happens 11/8/10 to 11/11/10 I will sign off and not blog again. If I am right, I feel I will be making the same agreement, but for a different reason.

By the way, keep an eye on the sky on Wednesday 10/27/10. Solar storms are going to play with the lights.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I'm offended that you're offended!

Jaun Williams was fired by NPR over comments he made on the Bill O'Reilly show the other day. When I saw the headline I thought, "Wow, those must have been some really controversial comments"! So I read the story on Fox News, and then I re-read the story, to find out where the comments were that could get someone fired, and I did not see anything that jumped out at me as truly offensive. Then it hit me.....Jaun worked for NPR National Public Radio, and it all made sense.

If Jaun Williams can't have a personal opinion while not on company time, then who can?
A couple of weeks ago CNN fired Rick Sanchez for making comments, that I did not really find offensive.
Earlier in the year Lou Dobbs was kindly asked to leave CNN, because he dared to go where nobody else in the media would go, towards the truth.

I wonder if a devout Muslim reporter could ever get fired for saying something controversial. My guess is no they would not.

See NPR or National propaganda radio as I like to say, is funded not by you the listeners, it's funded by you the tax payer and we can't have anyone associated with common sense working there. I cannot stand the way our society is being stripped of opinion, our right to privacy, and our freedom of speech.

Are you ready for the controversial comments? He gets nervous when he is flying, and sees someone dressed in full Muslim Garb. He also said the Muslim extremists are the biggest threat to our country. Finally he said that Faisal Shahzad the would be Times Square bombers comment "The Muslim war is coming to America" is what brought on his fear of Muslims on a plane. Are you offended yet?

See for 10 years now all we have heard is the "War on Terror, National Security, Bin Laden, Muslim Extremists..." Isn't Jaun doing what we were all told do do? Is he not being vigilant, and aware of his surroundings? Are we being molded into a way of life where you can think it, but you better not say it? It's a shame that the man in charge of the Ground Zero mosque can go on TV and say that America brought on 9/11, but a guy who works in media, cannot express his fear of a situation we were warned to watch out for. Add Muslims to the protected class in America the list is full. The only people not on the list is us the Open minded individuals with an opinion!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Is everything offensive?

Anderson Cooper the host of Anderson Cooper 360, was on the Ellen Show and spoke openly about his feelings regarding the use of the word "Gay". If I am not mistaken Anderson is in fact a gay man. What is more offensive, the word gay, or the term homosexual? If my preference for a life partner was someone of the same gender as myself, what would offend me? Nothing! If I was proud of who I was, and proud of who I was with, it would not offend me! I know I am not speaking as a gay person, so I cannot really pretend I know the emotions one would feel being subjected to that treatment. We are not talking about any type of treatment, or any type of aggression from one person towards another, We are talking about a word.

According to Anderson Cooper "words are weapons" and the children are being bullied, and the bullying needs to stop. I agree that bullying needs to be dealt with, but we are talking about a movie, a line in a movie, and to break it down further, a word in a line in a movie! What happened to freedom of speech? What happened to having creative freedom? What happened, to society?

I always go way out far when I write, and until I'm prohibited from doing so, by law I'll do just that!

I have gay family members, I have gay people I have worked with, and I have gay friends! I'm proud of all 3 facts here. And what I find offensive Mr Cooper is that you would deem a word so offensive and dangerous that it should be banned, because afterall we live in the United States of America, where freedom of speech is shrinking because of narrow focus, and statements like that! You were correct when you stated that words are weapons, and anyone with a 10th grade education could put together a group of harmless words, and deliver it in a harmful manner. Does the expression "It's all in the delivery" mean anything?

See if we ban one word, and then two words, pretty soon there are limits on free speech, what comes after that? People not liking the way you dress, or your haircut? If we allow ourselves to constantly be pushed back under the guise of Political correctness, at some point we will be back against a wall! What happens when a string of short people kill themselves because they are called "Shrimp", or how about the kid covered in acne called "Pizza face" or the poor kids who were made fun of for being poor? Just for the record I was poor, and covered in acne growing up, and made fun of constantly, and these suicides while tragic, are not just because of words, there is something else going on in there.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Printing our way into bondage

Let me start by saying, "Great job" to the rescuers, and the miners in Chile. Freedom I bet never felt so good!

As the world was fixated on the rescue of these men, the Dow Jones went up, on news that the Fed was keeping rates low, and printing another $500 Billion dollars to inject into the economy. Why would the stock market go up, on news that the Fed is printing more money, when the actual injection of this money adds to the rate of inflation?

If your tire on your car is leaking, you may fill it up once, next you would try fix a flat, and when all else fails you are forced to buy a new tire. The problem with driving on a tire like that is, if gone long enough without the repair, that one tire ruins the other 3. That's what is happening right now with the economy. They are blowing air (paper money) into the defective tire (economy) and the air (money) is blowing right through the leak. This only leads in a couple directions. 1. Inflation but worse Hyper inflation. 2. Deflation.

In Greece, Police in riot gear used tear gas, and other measures to break up a protest of 100+ workers that are angry over the Austerity measures in place by the Greek Government, and the IMF. What is austerity?
A definition from word IQ: Austerity is a term from economics that describes a policy where nations reduce living standards, curtail development projects, and generally shift the revenue stream out of the physical economy, in order to satisfy the demands of creditors. Typically, private banks, or institutions like the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), will demand an "austerity policy" from a national government, as a condition for re-financing loans that are coming due. This might involve cutting food or fuel subsidies, underfunding public infrastructure (transport, education, health care, water and power management), or rationing. When these demands are made by the I.M.F., they are known as I.M.F. conditionalities. End of Definition.

Does anything from the definition sound familiar? Reducing living standards? Are you not second guessing your purchases? Curtail development projects? What happened to all of the shovel ready infrastucture jobs? Shift Revenue stream out of the physical economy, in order to satisfy creditors? The Fed will not tell us where 28 trillion dollars went! Private banks, and the IMF will demand an austerity policy from a national government in order to satisfy the financial obligations of interest, on loans being refinanced. The United States has passed a tipping point where the debt is over 90% of the GDP! What does this mean? Simply put, we cannot pay our debts.

What comes next? Underfunding public infrastructure (transport, education, health care, water and power management), or rationing.

Why do you think that health care was such a big deal, what about education, water, and power management? As the government becomes more in debt, they will try and convince the American people that it is in our best interest, for the government to control everything. Do not believe me? Why do you think Gold is going through the roof? Why do you think the Dow Jones, in the midst of another mortgage scandal is above 11,000. The tire is no longer leaking, the lugnuts are loose, and we are looking at a catastrophic multi car pileup, and your savings, your retirement, and your way of life will be the casualties.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

More than leaves will fall this Fall!

I know I do not post everyday anymore, but I post when I think it is important. Imagine you are playing Jenga. For those of you that do not know, Jenga is a game of wooden blocks you stack as high as you can until the tower comes crashing down. The point of the game is to be the last person to stack on the tower before it falls. Now imagine that Wall Street is playing Jenga, and the tower is getting super high , almost 11,000. With that is Gold, which hits a new high it seems everyday. At some point the tower becomes shaky, and starts to fall. My question is: Are we ready for that collapse? When you are playing Jenga, you are careful to stack your blocks, because you do not want them to fall, yet on Wall Street there are people that still make money when the tower comes crashing down.

Gold has been a form of currency for trade for 6,000 years, what happens when all of the gold becomes as worthless, as paper currencies? I know you think that will not happen Norm, gold is of a real value! According to who? When I look around, and see the things happening, and I see articles warning that food prices are going to be driven higher maybe as soon as this winter, are you going to pay for your groceries with gold? Here is my dilemma, when a real crisis emerges do you think you will be able to buy food, water, medical supplies with gold? The answer is no! The trading system will go back to trading services for services, or services for useful tangible goods. The "Experts" say that gold is a hedge against inflation, to protect your assets, and your IRA's etc, well if that's true, then how come we do not just use Gold? The answer is simple, there is not enough gold to support all of the paper currencies. If you are not Bill Gates, Warren Buffet George Sorros etc... you do not have enough accumulated wealth to protect your assets, and those assets during a bank run, or heavy market crash will be what the Government, and Wall Street tell you they are.

I apologize for the length today, but I am thinking of many things. Let's say that Gold hits $2,000 an ounce, and the Treasury prints out more money, like they are already doing, and let's say the market gets a scare, and massive sell offs take place, and you have bought gold? How quick can you react to save your "Nest Egg"?
Not quick enough is the answer.

I'm telling you now, that it is brewing, the market #'s are inflated, and the masses of "Educated" investors are hitting the road. You will not see big Bonuses (except for the execs) on Wall St this year, and be prepared for the 50,000 to 80,000 US layoffs on Wall Street alone before Spring 2011.

It has begun. Food and Water, Guns and Ammo will be viewed as Currency in the next 18-24 months.