President Barrack Obama, issued a challenge to the terrorists of the world when he said "The United States can absorb another terrorist attack". If the President was attempting to talk tough,it did not work. If he said this to set the stage for a pre midterm crisis in order to salvage whatever control the dems still have left, then God help him. A question of the majority of U.S. citizens is this: What the F#$k is wrong with your brain Mr. President? I think that maybe (I'm probably wrong on this) he was saying that Pearl Harbor did not kill this country, 9/11 did not kill this country, so we can handle it.
I want to believe that he feels this way, but those of you that know me, and have read my previous posts know that there is a "What if" around the corner.
So here it is, what if he did this as a signal? What if the terrorists are not Islamic extremists, but white collar bankers, and politicians that want to control you, and yours? What if Our President, who appeared out of nowhere, to win an election over people that had a clear advantage, yet were overtaken was manufactured to usher in the New World Order?. What if a terrorist attack were to happen before the midterms? What if it was not a practitioner of Islam? What if it was a "Domestic" terrorist, someone that you work with, live near or are best friends with?
Here is where I am heading, the other night the show "The Event" premiered on TV, and after watching this my brain began swimming in ideas. One is that the guy that hijacks the plane is under distress because his girlfriend is kidnapped, and he is forced to do this, or other people he knows will die. My thought was this: Does our government get involved in things like that? I'm not talking about the plane disappearing, I'm talking about picking a patsy. Imagine that you come home one day from work to find your family tied up, and a masked gunman saying you will do this, or your family will die. What do you do? You would probably comply right? I'm in super conspiracy mode today, but I think these things so other people do not have to.
Hopefully there are no more attacks in this country, I'm sure there will be, just because, but I pray there are not.
In the event that my face ever hits the news, as an instigator of anything negative where I do not survive, just remember this post. Remember this post, because it was not me that did the horrible deeds. Our country is not in a recovery, just look around. The tea party is being constantly attacked by both parties so as to discredit them. The Machine is breaking down, and they know it. There is always a plan "B" for these people. If the Republicans win in November, and retake the house and senate, then plan "B" goes into high gear. The destination stays the same, it's just a different car driving you there.
Keep your ears, and eyes open, for the "Event" not the one on Monday nights, but the one I fear could be coming before November.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Do we need to be told how to parent?
An Indionapolis woman of Somali descent is charged with locking her children in a closet for 10 hours while she went to visit a friend. The fact that she locked them in the closet is enough to charge her on a whole bunch of things, but two of these children died!
My question is: Do we need to be monitored as parents?
I know what you are thinking, because I'm thinking it myself. No we do not need to be monitored, however, every time that one of these nut jobs with no common sense, and no reasonable ability to take care of other people has a child, we come closer to a surviellance state.
Imagine that the government keeps growing at the rate it is currently, and imagine, that as government grows, your privacy shrinks. Eventually all privacy becomes non existant. It is not that hard to imagine really, here is an example: I'm 37 years old, back in 1970 the Pentagon, and CDC started collecting blood samples from babies at birth,( I guess that includes me) and you did not know about it. It is pretty simple, but invasive at the same time. Why are they doing this? A DNA data base, which stores this info for interpol, the FBI and other organizations. Here is something else to think about. When was the last time you bought cigarettes, alcohol, or Mucinex? Did you have to scan your license? What's my point? Look at the photo id and then sell me the stuff! When they scan it, it tracks how much of these things I purchase, and if I'm a 60 year old grandmother in Ohio buying medicine for my husband and daughter, I get arrested, because I purchased too much Mucinex and if you know how to make crystal meth I guess you can make it out of Mucinex. A surviellance state does not have to be cameras on every corner, it just means that you do not know who is watching you and why.
This woman that locked her kids in a closet, and killed them deserves what she gets, but the rest of us normal, and capable law abiding, suitable parents should not get punished, because of the other half. In countries around the world there are laws prohibiting multiple children in families. In a few countries there are required licenses for having a baby, and in some countries there are cameras on every corner.
As governments grow, and bank accounts shrink people are starting to get frustrated. The only way to subdue an angry mob, is to control them. Control the money, control the food, and watch them carefully. We are a short time away from a total control grid, and a cashless society. What that means is when it is no longer acceptable to purchase goods with cash, you will be required to use a card or something else that can be tracked, controlled, and shut off if you are not a good little follower.
Watch your back, and front.
My question is: Do we need to be monitored as parents?
I know what you are thinking, because I'm thinking it myself. No we do not need to be monitored, however, every time that one of these nut jobs with no common sense, and no reasonable ability to take care of other people has a child, we come closer to a surviellance state.
Imagine that the government keeps growing at the rate it is currently, and imagine, that as government grows, your privacy shrinks. Eventually all privacy becomes non existant. It is not that hard to imagine really, here is an example: I'm 37 years old, back in 1970 the Pentagon, and CDC started collecting blood samples from babies at birth,( I guess that includes me) and you did not know about it. It is pretty simple, but invasive at the same time. Why are they doing this? A DNA data base, which stores this info for interpol, the FBI and other organizations. Here is something else to think about. When was the last time you bought cigarettes, alcohol, or Mucinex? Did you have to scan your license? What's my point? Look at the photo id and then sell me the stuff! When they scan it, it tracks how much of these things I purchase, and if I'm a 60 year old grandmother in Ohio buying medicine for my husband and daughter, I get arrested, because I purchased too much Mucinex and if you know how to make crystal meth I guess you can make it out of Mucinex. A surviellance state does not have to be cameras on every corner, it just means that you do not know who is watching you and why.
This woman that locked her kids in a closet, and killed them deserves what she gets, but the rest of us normal, and capable law abiding, suitable parents should not get punished, because of the other half. In countries around the world there are laws prohibiting multiple children in families. In a few countries there are required licenses for having a baby, and in some countries there are cameras on every corner.
As governments grow, and bank accounts shrink people are starting to get frustrated. The only way to subdue an angry mob, is to control them. Control the money, control the food, and watch them carefully. We are a short time away from a total control grid, and a cashless society. What that means is when it is no longer acceptable to purchase goods with cash, you will be required to use a card or something else that can be tracked, controlled, and shut off if you are not a good little follower.
Watch your back, and front.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What to say today?
It would be easy for me to jump into the story out of the UK that all paychecks go to the government first, and after they take the taxes directly, they then send you the rest. I could talk about that, but it is not happening here in America, or is it?
There could be language already in place in the Healthcare reform act (That's now a law)that gives the IRS the power to seize wages based on insurance requirements, and you are aware of amendments aren't you? So I'm going to hold off today, and speak about other disturbing things. Let's talk about your food :) The FDA is working on approval, of a genetically modified Salmon, that if approved for human consumption will be on shelves near you. I know what you are thinking: I do not eat salmon, well what about when they approve cows,chicken, and pork? It's all happening. In stores now you are consuming products that have corn in them, and this corn has been genetically modified to be resistant to pests, that means that there are chemicals that were bred into the seeds (Hybrid seeds)to kill off the insects that would feed on the corn. What happens when you consume large amounts of corn syrup, or corn starch? Corn syrup is in sooooooooooooooooo many things, and you are eating it! The FDA will not allow companies that do not use Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) to label the packaging No GMO product. If it is safe to eat the GMO products, then consumers should have a choice to purchase GMO or non GMO products. There are so many things wrong in the world today, and there are just too many thing to discuss. The Dream act or "Nightmare act" depending on your point of view. The Cambridge company that said the recession ended in June of 2009, yet unemployment is going to remain high until 2013. We could talk about the 7 US soldiers supposedly kidnapped in Iran (which would only be a precursor for war). The fact that the Amnesty program is being coupled with a defense spending plan, so as to sneak it in. We could mention that 100,000 fish died, in a river connected to the BP oil disaster, but the mainstream media did not cover it. We could talk about how in the last year we have been closely buzzed by numerous asteroids that were not detected until only a couple hours before they could have impacted us. Our total US debt is @13.4 trillion dollars and climbing and so on and so on. Something wicked this way comes, and I'm not sure when, but it is coming.
There could be language already in place in the Healthcare reform act (That's now a law)that gives the IRS the power to seize wages based on insurance requirements, and you are aware of amendments aren't you? So I'm going to hold off today, and speak about other disturbing things. Let's talk about your food :) The FDA is working on approval, of a genetically modified Salmon, that if approved for human consumption will be on shelves near you. I know what you are thinking: I do not eat salmon, well what about when they approve cows,chicken, and pork? It's all happening. In stores now you are consuming products that have corn in them, and this corn has been genetically modified to be resistant to pests, that means that there are chemicals that were bred into the seeds (Hybrid seeds)to kill off the insects that would feed on the corn. What happens when you consume large amounts of corn syrup, or corn starch? Corn syrup is in sooooooooooooooooo many things, and you are eating it! The FDA will not allow companies that do not use Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) to label the packaging No GMO product. If it is safe to eat the GMO products, then consumers should have a choice to purchase GMO or non GMO products. There are so many things wrong in the world today, and there are just too many thing to discuss. The Dream act or "Nightmare act" depending on your point of view. The Cambridge company that said the recession ended in June of 2009, yet unemployment is going to remain high until 2013. We could talk about the 7 US soldiers supposedly kidnapped in Iran (which would only be a precursor for war). The fact that the Amnesty program is being coupled with a defense spending plan, so as to sneak it in. We could mention that 100,000 fish died, in a river connected to the BP oil disaster, but the mainstream media did not cover it. We could talk about how in the last year we have been closely buzzed by numerous asteroids that were not detected until only a couple hours before they could have impacted us. Our total US debt is @13.4 trillion dollars and climbing and so on and so on. Something wicked this way comes, and I'm not sure when, but it is coming.
Monday, September 20, 2010
How we change
It has been 2 months since my last post, and there is a reason. Instead of delivering daily doom as I was before, I decided to use this as a platform to express my thoughts in general, about our society here in the United States of America. We are not as United as we think.
This past weekend was my 20 year high school reunion, and I had a blast. I remember the entire evening, and that's more than I can say for some of my friends. One thing that should never take place after a mass consumption of alcohol, are discussions regarding politics, but it happened, and one thing my friend said to me really stuck out. He called me a name, he called me a extreme right winger. In order for me to write this, I needed to get a summary, or comparison if you will of left vs. right so here it is from Wilkipedia:
The left–right political spectrum is a common way of classifying political positions, political ideologies, or political parties along a one-dimensional political spectrum. The perspective of Left vs. Right is a dialectical interpretation of complex questions. Left-wing politics and right-wing politics are often presented as polar opposites, and although a particular individual or party may take a left-wing stance on one matter and a right-wing stance on another, the terms left and right are commonly used as if they described two globally opposed political families. In France, where the terms originated, the Left is called "the party of movement" and the Right "the party of order".[1]
Traditionally, the Left includes progressives, social liberals, social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists.[2][3][4][5] The Right includes conservatives, reactionaries, capitalists, monarchists, nationalists and fascists.[6] End of summary.
So here I am being called names by a Extreme Left winger, and he is a lawyer as well. Being a lawyer, he feels based on education, and job description to have the upper hand when it comes to arguing, however, at no point did he dispute the facts I presented. If I am considered extremely right wing so be it, one classification that was not in the description above was "Constitutionalist". I am for America, I served in the military, to protect our country from all enemies foreign and domestic. Now that I am no longer in the military, I feel it is my right, and duty to still hold true to the values set forth by our founding fathers, and I intend to do so. Right now, unannounced to the masses is an assault on our constitution by the people that took an oath to uphold it. As someone rises through the ranks in the Tea Party, video surfaces trying to knock them down. Dirty politics and character assassinations are in full swing, and it is this nonsense behavior that is growing old in my mind.
The supreme court is being staffed with life long extreme left wingers that fall under the title of Socialists. The White house is staffed with people that are also deemed Socialists in the belief that more government, more spending, less citizen control, and more social equality are what is needed as time goes on. The point I stressed to my friends was this: If social equality means that the haves are required to give to the have nots, at what point does the person who is being stripped of his money, property, rights, and identity stand up and take back what is rightfully his? There was no answer. I said you stand up when it's already too late, and at that point you are considered extreme right winged like me.
I'm not a bad guy, and I was never political until the last few years when I started to fully understand what politics really is! It is the WWF only instead of throwing chairs and wearing spandex, it's well dressed people, battling to make it look like they are working for you. It is simply entertainment, except I no longer find it entertaining. As our financial obligations begin to take a toll on the economy, in a way that I feel is beyond repair, the only thing I see coming is a revolution. I'm not calling for violence, or blood in the streets, but I feel that it is inevitable at this point, and I'm actually afraid of what's to come. I know this is long, but I feel it is necessary, As the Democrats scramble to discredit the Tea Party etc... before the onslaught of midterms get ready for the resurgence of "Terror". An October surprise, in the form of an attack will cause a rally cry around the White House in an attempt to secure, what the Democrats are losing, and that is the support of the American people If the attack takes place, banks will close, there will be lines for food, and violence. I hope I am wrong, but I do not think I am, and when I'm standing next to the man that was once raking in $200,000 a year in a bread line, I will no longer have the freedom of speech to say "I told you so".
This past weekend was my 20 year high school reunion, and I had a blast. I remember the entire evening, and that's more than I can say for some of my friends. One thing that should never take place after a mass consumption of alcohol, are discussions regarding politics, but it happened, and one thing my friend said to me really stuck out. He called me a name, he called me a extreme right winger. In order for me to write this, I needed to get a summary, or comparison if you will of left vs. right so here it is from Wilkipedia:
The left–right political spectrum is a common way of classifying political positions, political ideologies, or political parties along a one-dimensional political spectrum. The perspective of Left vs. Right is a dialectical interpretation of complex questions. Left-wing politics and right-wing politics are often presented as polar opposites, and although a particular individual or party may take a left-wing stance on one matter and a right-wing stance on another, the terms left and right are commonly used as if they described two globally opposed political families. In France, where the terms originated, the Left is called "the party of movement" and the Right "the party of order".[1]
Traditionally, the Left includes progressives, social liberals, social democrats, socialists, communists and anarchists.[2][3][4][5] The Right includes conservatives, reactionaries, capitalists, monarchists, nationalists and fascists.[6] End of summary.
So here I am being called names by a Extreme Left winger, and he is a lawyer as well. Being a lawyer, he feels based on education, and job description to have the upper hand when it comes to arguing, however, at no point did he dispute the facts I presented. If I am considered extremely right wing so be it, one classification that was not in the description above was "Constitutionalist". I am for America, I served in the military, to protect our country from all enemies foreign and domestic. Now that I am no longer in the military, I feel it is my right, and duty to still hold true to the values set forth by our founding fathers, and I intend to do so. Right now, unannounced to the masses is an assault on our constitution by the people that took an oath to uphold it. As someone rises through the ranks in the Tea Party, video surfaces trying to knock them down. Dirty politics and character assassinations are in full swing, and it is this nonsense behavior that is growing old in my mind.
The supreme court is being staffed with life long extreme left wingers that fall under the title of Socialists. The White house is staffed with people that are also deemed Socialists in the belief that more government, more spending, less citizen control, and more social equality are what is needed as time goes on. The point I stressed to my friends was this: If social equality means that the haves are required to give to the have nots, at what point does the person who is being stripped of his money, property, rights, and identity stand up and take back what is rightfully his? There was no answer. I said you stand up when it's already too late, and at that point you are considered extreme right winged like me.
I'm not a bad guy, and I was never political until the last few years when I started to fully understand what politics really is! It is the WWF only instead of throwing chairs and wearing spandex, it's well dressed people, battling to make it look like they are working for you. It is simply entertainment, except I no longer find it entertaining. As our financial obligations begin to take a toll on the economy, in a way that I feel is beyond repair, the only thing I see coming is a revolution. I'm not calling for violence, or blood in the streets, but I feel that it is inevitable at this point, and I'm actually afraid of what's to come. I know this is long, but I feel it is necessary, As the Democrats scramble to discredit the Tea Party etc... before the onslaught of midterms get ready for the resurgence of "Terror". An October surprise, in the form of an attack will cause a rally cry around the White House in an attempt to secure, what the Democrats are losing, and that is the support of the American people If the attack takes place, banks will close, there will be lines for food, and violence. I hope I am wrong, but I do not think I am, and when I'm standing next to the man that was once raking in $200,000 a year in a bread line, I will no longer have the freedom of speech to say "I told you so".
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